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Jom Gaya Hidup Sihat ~ Makan dan Exercise

Another chapter of my exercise diary .. hidup Misz-ella camni la .. kalau tak kerja, exercise. Kalau tak kat Event kat Gym. Tu je la tempat...

Abah @ Hospital. Event Dato' Siti Nurhaliza.Miko merajuk. Cousins outing.

Day 4 Abah at the Hospital. Day 1, Aiman overnight at the hospital to take care of Atuk. Day 2, Amir immediately rush to the Hospital after his Class and overnight at the Hospital to take care of Atuk. Day 3 Daniel took over. Day 4 is Mum's turn. Seronok bila anak dah besar .. masing-masing berganding bahu bekerjasama menjaga Atuk. I wish i have a daughter, so that i can see my daughter take care of Opah if the same thing happen. Tapi Takdir Tuhan kita tak boleh lawan .. and i have only 1 child. Bersyukur lah Ella.

Morning at the hospital, noon at the office, late afternoon at PR office and night in KL. Life is like an Amazing race. Thanks for my new family for the understanding. Muahhh *flying kiss*. Hope can contribute more next week. 

Miko the cat merajuk sebab kurang beri perhatian ke dia lately. U miss me, Miko? Mama is super busy lately ..  sobs.

A week before Atuk admitted in the hospital, Aiman and cousins went for outing together. Sukanya dia.

Wahhhh .. bukan main lagi diaorang

KLTower - Lunch with Dato Siti Nurhaliza. Upsss only we had lunch. Dato' Siti was so busy with interviews, video shooting. Lawa la dia .. dan peramah gila. Patut la peminat-peminat sayang. Dato Siti Nurhaliza is so menawan hati.

HaiBlogger project with Dato Siti Nurhaliza was formalised since March. Congrats HaiBlogger .. even masih baru tapi dah dapat projek besar ... begitu jugak dengan OMGFest yang merupakan Penganjur Miracle Night with Dato Siti. Moga HaiBlogger dan OMGfest lebih suksess selepas ini. Nanti Misz-ella cerita detail lagi yang pastinya dari cerita Dato Siti, Misz-ella sangat excited dan meronta-ronta nak Mothers Day Dinner bersama dia. At the moment i'm so sleepy and tired but i miss talking to you, readers. Esok nak pergi Hospital lagi. OkBye. Goodnite.