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Jom Gaya Hidup Sihat ~ Makan dan Exercise

Another chapter of my exercise diary .. hidup Misz-ella camni la .. kalau tak kerja, exercise. Kalau tak kat Event kat Gym. Tu je la tempat...

Kalau Itu KetentuanNya

Kadang-kadang dalam hidup kita, kita terpaksa buat keputusan yang diluar kerelaan, di dalam keterpaksaan.

Kita letak orang lain dahulu dalam keputusan. Kita kemudian. Yah .. it happened many times. Hard decision that make me cry. Could be the hardest that I had made in my life .. because I am your Angel that light up your life. Korban kan diri untuk orang lain .. some might call me stupid but I believe I am not. I am different and strong .. stronger than what you think .. better than you imagine .. yeahh .. I am that strong woman who still survive no matter how pain and hard the life had push me to the side.

Asal kita sudah buat sehabis baik .. to the best that we can .. pasrah lah andai gagal and walk away with pride. Tiap kejadian datang dengan sebab. Tiap kekecewaan dan kesedihan, ada hikmah yang kau tak nampak. Bersabar dan bertabahlah. 

Lunch with 'kesayangan'.  I appreciate. Every minutes are precious .. every moment are special. Thanks Allah for this special person. Biar jauh beribu batu, hati tak pernah lupa. Biar lama tak jumpa, tetap ingat pada dia. OK Bye. Misz-ella nak pergi buat kerja lain .. masa 'emo-emo' dah habis. Take care and Bye.