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White Zumba Dance Party bersama Coach Azy

Beruntungnya kita jadi rakyat Malaysia .. hidup aman damai, rukun makmur meski berbilang bangsa, berlainan warna kulit dan berlainan agama.

Untungnya kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia, bebas ke sini sana .. tanpa ragu dan tanpa bimbang.

Beruntungnya kita di Malaysia kerana berpeluang meraikan pelbagai perayaan. Baru-baru ini Misz-ella telah raikan sambutan hari Krismas bersama-sama dengan Coach Azy dan The Good Vibe Tribes.

Pagi 25 Disember 2022, masing-masing hadir berbaju putih untuk White Zumba Dance Party bersama Coach Azy di studio Mzone.

Masing-masing segar, ceria dan teruja! Ambik gambar dulu sebelum Coach datang dan kelas bermula.

Sebelum tu dah say Hai .. Hai .. Hello Hello pada mereka yang dah lama tak jumpa (sebab i dah lama tak pergi kelas)

The dance session started with I wanna dance with somebody, the song by the late Whitney Houston (the best female black artist of all time, my favorite singer too!)

The clock strikes upon the hour
And the sun begins to fade
Still enough time to figure out
How to chase my blues away

I've done alright up till now
It's the light of day that shows me how
And when the night falls
The loneliness calls

I wanna dance with somebody was released in 1987. Dah 35 tahun lagu ni (longer than Macarena). This all-time favorite has a lovely melody and its lyrics refresh our souls. Lagu pertama dah "IN". Masing-masing semakin bersemangat untuk lagu seterusnya.

Lepas tu ada About Damn Time, lagu yang melodi nya cukup meriah ditambah pulak dengan lirik yang sangat memberi motivasi. Lagu ni sangat popular di radio. Dalam masa 2,3 jam perjalanan, dekat 5,6 kali Misz-ella dengar lagu ni.

Turn u the music, turn down the lights
I got a feelin' I'm gonna be alright
Okay (okay), alright
It's about damn time
Turn up the music, let's celebrate
I got a feelin' I'm gonna be okay
Okay (okay) alright
It's about damn time

Selepas tu, sessi menari tanpa henti selama 90 minit pun berterusan. Dari benua Amerika, Coach Azy bawak kita berzumba dengan si mata sepet tetapi handsome gila iaitu Korea (semua fefeeling K-Pop masa ni).

Ahhh .. ada juga The Time (Dirty Bit), by Black Eyed Peas. Lagu ni sangat popular pada tahun 2010. Video rasmi The Time telah mencecah 590 juta tontonan di YouTube. I used to dance this song versi aerodance in year 2011.

 Oh, I had the time of my life
And I've never felt this way before
And I swear this is true
And I owe it all to you

From the all-time favorites to the current hits, we had fun at Coach Azy White Zumba Dance Party. Lagu best-best .. crowd pun sporting. Sangat happening dan enjoy, kan. Semua orang happy.

And for me. extra happy sebab my dance buddies from different classes join us too - Hana, Putri and Liza. Liza dah beberapa kali datang ke kelas Coach Azy sejak diperkenalkan oleh Misz-ella. Hana and Putri pertama kali and they love it.

All in ... all in . we had a blast during White Zumba Dance Party bersama Coach Azy on 25th December 2022. Looking forward for more dances together at the dance floor!

I follow you

 Bila ada yang cakap

I follow je suggestions kak Ella
Kak ella suruh kita join kelas ni
Kita ikut
Kak ella tak join
Kita tak ikut


Ummmmmm .. *fikir fikir*

Rahsia persahabatan/Recipe of healthy friendship

Dalam hidup ni, kita tak boleh nafikan yang kawan mainkan peranan yang penting. Kawan yang baik mewarnai hidup kita - they add values to our life. I am not sure about others tapi untuk seorang Ella, kawan sangat penting. Aku sayang kawan-kawan, hargai dan juga adalah seorang yang sangat setia dalam persahabatan. Aku simpan diaorang dalam hati ketat-ketat, sealed with loves so that nothing can destroy my friendship with them (unless orang tu sendiri buat hal lah)

Elemen yang paling penting dalam persahabatan adalah chemistry atau keserasian. Bukan dengan semua orang kita ada keserasian tapi bila wujudnya keserasian, maka bakal berpanjangan lah sebuah persahabatan, kan.

Lepas tu kita kena hormat kawan kita. Hormat bermakna kita kena jaga adab dalam persahabatan. Kita kena respect privacy dia. Kita kena selalu ingat yang kawan kita juga ada life dia sendiri dan bukan semua bahagian dalam hidup dia kita boleh masuk. Kita kena jaga benda-benda macam ni kalau kita nak kekal lama dalam persahabatan.

Dah hampir 30 tahun kita berkawan dan masih teguh bersama. Masa muda dulu, kami berikrar, nak kawan sampai tua (berangan nak berjiran rumah sebelah2 kat Kensington Park supaya aku boleh jaga engkau, engkau boleh jaga aku bila tua nanti). Alhamdulillah Allah makbulkan maka kita pun tua bersama .. aku panggil persahabatan ni “cinta hingga hujung nyawa”

Dalam hidup ni we don't have to try hard to be everyone’s sweetheart. If people like you, comfortable with you they will be there with an open heart. Aura kita, vibes kita, keserasian kita .. itu semua anugerah Allah kepada kita. Kita bersyukur je la.

Kita jugak tak perlu susah2 cari kawan baru kerana Allah dah susun cantik perjalanan hidup kita. Sapa kawan kita, jodoh kita, rezeki kita .. Allah dah susun. Kita lalu je hidup ni dengan tabah, tenang dan redha. Enjoy every moment. Senyum selagi boleh. Kita tenang-tenang aje lah.

Untuk kak Zue, Lin, Sarina, Rosnah dan Fiza, aku sayang korang sampai hujung nyawa. Terima kasih terima Kakchik seadanya.

Marsha is my aerodance teacher since 8 years ago. Masa tu aku masih tinggal di Saujana Utama, Sg Buloh and dia mengajar di Magyc GYm & Studio. Marsha sangat lemah lembut dan manja serta hormat orang tua. Marsha tinggi budi bahasa. 

Kalau dengan Marsha, Misz-ella tak pernah marah lama sebab dia sangat pandai ambil hati. Dia akan cepat-cepat mintak maaf to cool me down, dengan manja dia tu, dengan senyum dia tu .. my heart easily melt lah! We had a very good time together .. ke sini ke sana sama-sama. Aku sayang Marsha and I pray for many more years together. 

Haziqah is a friend who I know through blogging. She was the PR officer at Impiana Hotel, KLCC. Disebabkan ada keserasian, maka kita pun terus jadi kawan. Dari hotel 5 bintang ke hutan belantara, dari sungai ke gunung, Haziqah rajin cari Misz-ella untuk makan-makan, jalan-jalan, untuk tukar-tukar idea dan mintak nasihat. Muda, cantik, bergaya .. Haziqah is fun to be with! 

Kak Yun! Kak Yun is my very very good friend. Kita kenal di lantai tari lepas tu kita pergi hiking sama-sama. Kak Yun sangat havoc, happening tapi kadang-kadang boleh bikin kita headpening sebab dia sangat kecoh dan riuh. Kak Yun sangat caring. Masa aku duduk di KL dulu, Kak Yun sanggup travel ber puluh kilometer untuk temankan aku kalau aku tengah down atau boring.

Deep sangat kasih sayang Kak Yun pada aku. Kalau aku sedih, dia turut terasa .. jelas nampak di air muka dia. Kalau orang buat aku atau kata aku, dia tak suka. Kalau aku happy, Kak Yun pun happy sama. Kak Yun yang baik .. yang sangat memahami .. hanya Allah yang mampu membalas semua kebaikan Kak Yun kepada Ella.

Just like Marsha .. Akish is my aerodance teacher. Masa kita kenal hampir 10 tahun dulu, Zumba tidak popular seperti sekarang. Kita kenal kat lantai tari. Menariknya tentang persahabatan yang bermula di lantai tari ni ialah kita berkongsi minat yang sama. 

I called Akish my happy butterfly. Akish selalu happy. Selama berkawan, aku taktau bila Akish marah, bila Akish sedih atau stress. Akish has a strong good vibes .. bila kita dengan dia, kita akan happy dan ketawa sepanjang masa. Kau jangan sepi babe .. aku ada. Kau jangan sedih babe .. aku ada. Paling best, we are a good dance buddies. Bila menari dengan dia .. I am free to be myself .. boleh gila-gila tanpa ragu-ragu. I just be me and being a good friend of mine, she just enjoy me the way I am. Lagi laju aku melompat, lagi gedik aku menari .. lagi dia suka. Akish kenal my small family and so do I. I saw Qiqin from she was small, pergi belajar menari kat sana sini ..  now Qiqin also can teach. Just like her mother, she has her own groove. I am so happy to witness her progress.

Rayme and Azy .. interesting! Both of them are good friends. Both have their own personality, charisma, and identity. Azy is our Cardio dance teacher and Rayme is my fitness buddy. I love Azy's highly energetic cardio dance class sebab Laju! or to be exact a combination of hi-low energetic dance class that keep you moving throughout an hour without you realize..tiba-tiba je ehh dah habis? 

Aku memang jenis yang buat apa pun laju .. bercakap laju, menulis laju, menaip laju, drive laju, berfikir laju .. dance pun nak laju. 

Aku suka song playlist di kelas Azy, a combination of all-time favorites and new songs.  On top of that, Azy has a bright personality - friendly, funny, warm, cheerful, creative, imaginative, and quick-witted. People are easily attached to him because of his positive vibes. I called Azy a social connector who brings people together in his own way.

Azy love wonderful words (spesis pandai ambik hati ni) Hanging around with him is always fun and of course .. his main attraction is his Cardio dance class! (walaupun ada masa-masa tertentu aku nervous nak ke kelas dia .. haha!).

Rayme! Rayme and I have a lot of common ground together. We can spend many hours over cups of coffee and cakes talking from one topic to another, exchanging ideas, sharing experiences .. tak sedar! tau tau dah berjam-jam kita sembang. Tempat paling best untuk jumpa Rayme dah tentu lah di dance studio dan tempat makan-makan.

Rayme is a very well-mannered and polite person. He is a singer and I lovesssss his singing so much! Kadang-kadang saja  suruh dia nyanyi, belanja Chorus boleh ... a special blogpost about him will be in my blog, soon.

Rayme is also “multi-skill”. He is a graphic designer, a project coordinator and a perfect project planner. Paperwork dia, proposal dia .. superb! (You can hire him for your project proposal .. call me to reach him!)

*image from google*

I learned a lot from friendship. Nak mulakan sebuah persahabatan memang mudah tetapi nak kekalkan persahabatan selama berpuluh-puluh tahun tidak mudah.

A recipe of a healthy friendship is to accept, love, respect, tolerate, and care for each other. Mix all these elements in our hearts and see how the friendship grows. 

Dalam sebuah persahabatan, salah faham atau gaduh sikit-sikit itu biasa. Infact those bitter sweet moment helps keep us together provided we know how to manage it. I always remind others .. kita bertelagah atau berselisih pendapat bukan untuk berpecah belah tetapi untuk mencari satu kata sepakat atau persefahaman. Sebab tu, kalau ada sedikit curiga, salah faham atau tidak senang dalam hati pada kawan kita, Ask! Ask politely. Ketepi kan semua emosi dan rasa, come with open heart and ask! Bincang baik-baik sebab a good friend will never talk bad, betray or backstab his or her friend. A good friend will always want to see his or her friend happy. A good friend will always value your presence and do not want to lose you no matter what. 

And I always remember this .. Dalam hidup ni, di mana kita rasa disayangi, dihargai, dihormati dan diperlukan .. di situlah kita patut berada. Simple, kan. We should know where to position ourselves and who to be with. 

OK I'm done with my sharing about Friendship. Nak pergi buat kerja lain pulak. Terima kasih baca (tulis sorang-sorang .. baca ramai-ramai .. barulah best! hehe). Jangan lupa datang lagi ke blog Dari Jari-Jari Halusku ni ye. OKBye.

Hati Yang Sakit

Hati yang sakit akan menyakiti yang lain. Kesakitan hati itu akan semakin parah bila  dikelilingi oleh 'circle' yang tidak berjaya membantu ia sembuh dari sakit tersebut. 

Hati yang sakit sepatutnya mencari jalan bagi merawat sakit tersebut 'instead of' membiarkan kesakitan itu melarat (silap-silap boleh masuk ICU).

Ini semua mengingatkan aku supaya :
Hati-hati dengan hati
Jaga hati (Kalau terluka atau sakit, cepat-cepat rawat dia)
Bersihkan hati (Buang segala amarah, kecik hati, sakit hati dan buruk sangka)

Jom kita jaga hati. Allah bagi kita satu hati je tau, tak ada 'spare part' .. kesian dia sakit, disakiti oleh diri kita sendiri.

Soalnya Hati


Soal hati adalah soalan yang paling rumit sekali.
Paling sukar untuk dijawab.
Paling sukar untuk difahami.

And once I have chosen you, I akan simpan you dalam hati, tempat paling selamat dalam hidup seorang Misz-ella kerana rahsia hatiku, hanya Allah sahaja yang tau.

Soal hati .. biarlah misteri.  

Movie Review: Avatar 2 The Way of Water

Hai lovely readers,

After 13 years of its first release, Avatar 2: The Way of Water finally opens in theatres. I was so excited and watched it on the first day of its release with two of my favorite friends, Azy & Rayme.

When Avatar first hit theatres in 2009, we had never seen anything like it before. I still remember the beautiful calming forest, that glowed in the dark .. which touched my heart till now.

Avatar 2 : The Way of Water started with the world of Pandora (i want to be there!) where Jake Sully, Chief of Omaticaya, and Neytiri live happily with their 3 kids, Neteyam, Lo'ak, Tuk, their adopted daughter, Kiri, and a human boy named Spider, the son of Miles Quaritch who was born in Pandora and was unable to transport to earth.

Quaritch who was killed by Neytiri in the 1st Avatar was cloned into the Navi's body fitted with his template's memory before death and returned to Omaticaya for revenge. Aware of the danger and safety of his family, Jake and his family moved to Pandora's eastern seaboard where the Metikayan clan live. They were accepted by the clan and forged a new life at the sea (they are no longer the forest people .. so sad!).

It was not an easy journey especially for Jake's children but they finally made it, bonding very well with the sea life and the Metikayan's clan.

Unfortunately, Quaritch reached Jake and his family. Jake was left with no choice other than fight a difficult war against the human. Here comes the climax of the movie (the last 1 hour show) and it was severely fast paced (I love!). If you are watching it later, please do not even blink your eyes during the war scene (tapi sebenarnya i tutup muka during a few scene .. LOL)

My review about Avatar 2 : The Way of Water

  • the visuals are perfect, the storyline are strong but I guessed I walked in with too high expectations 
  • the movie is beautiful - the script reminds us of what is really important in life .. family, relationship and taking care of our world
  • it doesn't have the original 'wow' factor as we felt it more in the previous Avatar 
  • the best part of the movie is the world of pandora itself. The forest scene were beautifully done and the ocean shots blew my mind (but I love the Pandora's forest more)
  • the sinking vessel reminded me on Titanic.
  • i love Kate Winslet's act as Ronal, the pregnant warrior of Metkayina
  • When it comes to emotions, I am more touched with Avatar 1 .. more love, romance, sadness, happiness compared to Avatar 2 : The Way of Water.
  • Yes! There will be Avatar 3, definitely!

To Azy & Rayme who joined me watching Avatar 2 : The Way of Water, thank you! I love both of you and your accompany. I hope both of you enjoyed the movie too as much as I do.

To all my lovely readers, do not wait anymore. Quickly grab your handphone, book your tickets and make your way to the cinema soonest possible.