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Tips Cantik No. 2

Hello Readers. Assalamualaikum.  Selamat Hari Rabu.  When i was still working 9 to 5 last time, Rabu is one of the much awaited day in the week .. because its in the middle. Wednesday comes means i am done with half of the week and i have half more to go. Suka gila bila Rabu. Now, still i am Self-Employed, everyday is a fun day for me. No more 9 to 5 routine. No more traffic jam *i planned my appointments, etc*. No more YES BOSS!! No more office gosipping. Haha.

OK .. back to the main topic of the Entry ~ Tips Cantik No. 2 ialah Bersenam. Bersenam baik untuk kesihatan. Exercise is fun .. especially if you do Aerodance.  Aerodance is a fun step Hi-Lo exercise which combines a normal routine exercise steps with fun dance steps.  Fun. Easy. Nice music = Enjoy.  

Bersenam menyingkirkan semua 'bad feelings' .. leaving only the goods after exercise. Feeling fresh, light, happy .. No more stress.  Sengal-sengal di bahu, di badan tak da lagi lepas bersenam .. tak perlu panggil Tukang Urut datang rumah urut sana sini because you have loosen your muscle by exercise.

Itu Tips saya bagaimana kekal sehat, cergas sepanjang hari even sometimes my schedule is too tight and busy.  Itu rahsia saya kekal senyum and always positive even the truth is .. where got life without problems and stress, kan.

Senaman melancarkan peredaran darah, menyingkirkan toksin di dalam badan melalui perpeluhan, memecahkan lemak-lemak yang tidak diperlukan badan dan meletakkan otot-otot badan di tempat yang betul. Tak percaya? Sila ukur ukur lilit pinggang sebelum mulakan rutin senaman dan ukur semula selepas sebulan. Mesti ada perubahan .. sebab otot-otot badan akan lebih bersatu dan padat dengan bersenam.  Tu yang orang panggil 'body tough-tough' tu .. sebab bersenamlah, kan.  Yang tak bersenam sume badan mengeleber .. longgar .. tak padat.

Tips untuk memulakan senaman :-

Singkirkan virus 'M' ~ Everytime you feels lazy or "Malas" .. please motivate yourself. No. No. I must exercise. Exercise if good for my health.  A mother must have a good health because we contribute a lot to our family.  A healthy, fresh, active and happy  mother lighten the family.

Start at your own pace.  When i started my routine exercise, i was at mid 20's.  My handsome young son Aiman was only 3-4 years old at that time.  I never got the chance to go the Gym, to join any Studio exercise due to the family and working commitment. Tak sempat. Tak da masa. Tapi itu tidak menghalang saya dari bersenam.  Atas kesedaran sendiri, saya beli VCD Beginners Aerobics by Denise Austin. Started at home alone .. at my own free time. As Aiman grows older, i managed to find some time to jogged with him at the playground. But it doesn't last long as i realised that it doesn't suits me. Bertahun-tahun i bersenam sendirian kat rumah menggunakan VCD .. asal ada masa terluang .. sometimes pukul 9-10 malam .. asalkan dapat bersenam. Gigih i, kan. I only started Studio Exercise since 4 years ago, joining an Aerobics & Fitness Studio nearby my house and i fall in love with it. Imagine .. Cermin besar .. nice music .. beautiful lighting .. fun steps .. Best, kan.

My girlfriend spotted this photo of mine.  Exercise is fun!! Make it more fun by dressing up during exercise.  Saya pakai baju jalan-jalan dan seluar duduk rumah sebab sudah lambat.  Tak cukup masa nak 'dig my wardrobe' to find my exercise suits. So bolehla .. yang penting selesa.  Lagipun tak salah berfesyen-fesyen while exercise, kan.  

My girlfriend Umi who another friend of mine said We look alike.  Dua-dua 'Chinese look' dorang kata. She is my dance partner.  When we did Rasa Sayang dance for Cooling down that night, she turns the steps to the "Rap" version. Fun!!

Dan jangan lupa makan Vitamin C .. i realised perpeluhan semasa bersenam meningkat dengan pengambilan makanan kesihatan.  Kalau dulu peluh sikit-sikit .. sekarang peluh menitik-nitik .. mandi peluh satu badan. Kalau dulu kulit tak shine .. now its shine bersinar-sinar during exercise.  Nak Vitamin C? Dont forget to Whatsapp me at 016-6223138. I sell cheap cheap one, haha.  

OK .. I'm done Sharing my Beauty Tips in this Entry. Ingat ye kawan-kawan .. Tips Cantik No. 2 ialah Bersenam. I wrote a lot about 'Bersenam' in my previous Entry and i will never stop writing about it cos i love it and want to share it with you here.

Opsss .. This is not about 'Bersenam' but its about preparing paperwork for a 5 star Service company in Malaysia. Paperwork done and delivered = Happy. Now praying for the best.  Doakan saya, Ok. Bye.


  1. terus terinspirasi baca entri kc

  2. nak jadi cantik dan manis jugak seperti kakcik..tapi senam tak berapa nak start lagi.. hahaha..

  3. uhh dah lama gila kot tak bersenam ni!sejak cuti berpantang haritu...uhhhh...

  4. KC.. yong dh mula rajin bersenam sekarang.. wehuu

  5. sarat betul aktiviti kakchik ni..dengan kerja dengan bersenam lagi..huh!!syok..

  6. selalu tgok org yg betul2 jaga kesihatan suka exercise.. tp tulah..malas.. beli macm2 produck kecantikan.. senaman..mals gila.
