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Combat Anaemia with Sangobion and High Iron Food

Hello hai readers ..

Misz-ella pernah 'share' Entry tentang Anaemia sebelum ni. Baca entry ini dan entry ini ye untuk 'recall your memory.

Sebagai seorang yang sangat aktif serta mengamalkan gaya hidup sihat, Misz-ella sangat faham akan kepentingan 'iron' dalam tubuh badan kita yang mana kekurangannya akan menyebabkan kita mengalami 'Anaemia' 

Be careful with the above symptom readers .. you might be at risk of Anaemia. OK jom 'refresh' serba sedikit tentang Anaemia. Anaemia terjadi bila badan mengalami kekurangan sel-sel darah merah yang berfungsi untuk mengangkut oksigen ke seluruh badan kita. Anaemia menyebabkan kita mengalami simptom-simptom di atas yang boleh menyebabkan rutin harian serta kesihatan kita terjejas. 

Sebagai seorang wanita, Misz-ella pun tak terkecuali dari berisiko untuk menghidapi Anaemia kerana Anaemia boleh juga terjadi disebabkan oleh simptom 'period' atau 'datang bulan', kekurangan vitamin atau nutrisi yang diperlukan badan untuk menghasilkan sel darah merah dan sebagainya. So readers, each and everyone of us is at risk of anaemia but it can be avoid or treated through implementing a healthy lifestyle.

Treat your anaemia with Sangobion

Merck, the world's oldest pharmaceutical and and chemical company has introduced me to Sangobion, an iron supplement which help to replenish iron stores and help to regulate the hemoglobin levels in the blood. Sangobion contains organic iron which is better absorbed in the body thus provide a better result. It is also specially formulated with sorbitol to reduce the incidence of constipation that might occur because of consuming the iron supplement.

Fried Red Rice Vermicelli

Selain dari itu, Misz-ella juga telah mengambil makanan yang kaya dengan 'iron' seperti 'Fried Red Rice Vermicelli' di atas. Well .. not bad the taste ok .. bertambah-tambah Aiman makan. Red Rice Vermicelli is 100% organic and free from preservatives or artificial colouring. Most importantly, it is loaded with powerful antioxidants plus rich in Iron. A healthy way to ensure that I had enough iron in my body, right.

Luxury Mix Non-Roasted Healthy Bites

Well .. Misz-ella memang suka makan kacang as 'kudap-kudapan' but most of the common nuts are roasted in oil and unhealthy. So I changed to this Luxury Mix Non-Roasted Healthy Bites nuts. Nuts are a great source of iron and help to easily boost the iron level in our body.  Take it as a snack or while driving, it help us to gain iron level in the body effectively even when we are on the move.

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a rich source of iron and I chosed Organic Hazelnut Butter. Makan dengan roti atau biskut, bukan sahaja sedap tapi berkhasiat untuk tubuh kita. 


Well .. i might have difficulty in taking honey because it is sweet but honey is very good for entire body and contains a good amount of iron. Take it in your drink and enjoy.

Thank you Sangobion for the iron rich food hamper which help me to understand more on how to keep our blood healthy and combat against anaemia.

Last but not least, I suggest you to do a self-check on your anaemia status by going through the Anaemia Questionnaire at

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