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PEKA at LimKokWing University of Creative Technology. Beauty. PEKA at International Women's Day Marched.

Hello readers ..

Happy International Women's Day. I know I am a bit late but better late than never, right. Time flies very fast. We are in the middle of March. Yah .. its middle of March, without we realise.

I started my new week with a 'bang' when I had an opportunity to visit LimKokWing University of Creative Technology in Cyberjaya with PEKA President, Y Bhg Puan Sri To' Puan Datuk Shariffa Sabrina Syed Akil. My first visit to Malaysian owned private international university with a presence across Africa, Europe and Asia. Thank you to Tan Sri Dato' Sri Paduka Dr Lim Kok Wing, 'Father of Innovation' founder of LimKokWing University of Creative Technology for accepting us as your guests. Thank You Very Much for your warm hospitality. You touched our heart with your amazing personalities, Tan Sri Lim.

I changed my hair colour to black, using Henna at my favourite salon, Eka Roots, Bangsar. Read more about Eka Roots & Wellness Centre here, here and here.

I spent my middle of the week talking and discussing about beauty. Women, no matter how busy you are .. please do not neglect yourself. 

Please love yourself more than others. Take care of your health, be beautiful inside out, be kind and be strong in whatever condition. Believe me that my life is not easy .. falls, frustration, sadness, anger, conflicts .. life are full of dramas no matter how much we try to avoid it. No matter what, move on. Let them talk, let them hate, let them judge .. stay positive. I learned that no matter how hard we try to do and give the best, there are still someone outside there who judge us differently. I am only a human ... my heart break and my tears dropped but I keep on telling myself to Let it Be. Forgive. Let it Go. Clear your heart and walk with pride. Life is short .. tomorrow is never a promise. One day we all will have to leave  .. we do not know when. As a friend, as a mother, as a daughter, a sister .. I hope I will leave a good name and good memories to everyone I have known. Life is such a wonderful journey. No matter how painful it is .. appreciate. Remember that God give the hardest battle to His strongest soldier and we were chosen by Him. Yes .. sometimes I wish He didn't trust me that much but look again at the brighter side .. the challenge I faced shaped me to a better person today, I count my blessing and feel grateful. Thank You God for keeping me safe. Alhamdulillah.

Every pages and chapters we faced is part of our life journey. Everyday we learn a new lesson. Last Thursday marked another limestone for PEKA (Pertubuhan Pelindung Khazanah Alam Malaysia) when our President, Y Bhg Puan Sri To' Puan Datuk Shariffa Sabrina Syed Akil was chosen as a Patron for Mystic India The World Tour LIVE in Kuala Lumpur, an international Bollywood Musical Broadway which will make its first appearance in Asia at Istana Budaya, Kuala Lumpur (Detail entry will be up, soon)

Best things do happened in our life .. after a long tiring week, I spent my time taking care of my beauty and wellness with a group of influencers/bloggers  .. 

 And I visited my brother at KPJ Damansara who had his knee operated.

Saturday morning, I joined PEKA's marched in conjunction with International Women's Day. PEKA was founded and lead by a woman, Y Bhg Puan Sri To' Puan Datuk Shariffa Sabrina Syed Akil. PEKA wants a better environment and fight for our mother nature. We owe so much to the mother nature especially the rainforest. The trees are our canopy which help to filtered the oxygen we breathe every day. The rainforest is our water catchment area. We rely on the forest to live. Rainforest is also known as "Jewels of the Earth" where over one quarter of natural medicines are found in the forest. PEKA has a message to all of us ~ Conservation of the rainforest is not a task that should be left only to the Scientists and Policy makers. Each and everyone of us have responsibility to care for our rainforest. Support us by joining Save Our Rainforest Race which will be held on 24 March 2018 (Saturday), at Hutan Simpang Kerling, Kuala Kubu Bahru, Selangor. We are going to plant trees while enjoying other eco-activities together. See nature .. See life. Visit my previous entries here and here for more info or register yourself today at

Sunday afternoon .. attending Syed Fatih's second birthday party at Puan Sri Sabrina and Tan Sri Syed Yusuf's beautiful resident with other friends. Thank you Puan Sri for the invitation. I enjoyed quality time spent with you and your other guests.

Despite my busy schedule, my up and down, my mix emotions .. I still believe that my life is wonderful. I am grateful I was born as a woman. Happy Women's Day to all strong, sexy, pretty women who are reading this entry. Most women has become more 'muscular' nowadays compared to before but please keep your charm and sensual at the same time. Stay feminine and elegant. Strong woman rock the world. We set our life directions, we determine our goal .. we are the architect of our life!

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