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2D/1N with Insight

Happy Sunday readers. Dah tengahari baru nak wish. Hihihi. What to do .. harini bangun lambat*sib baik cuti Solat* 

What a great January. I was invited by Honda Malaysia with 13 other Bloggers to Test Drive Insight The Hybrid Vehicle ~ Awareness Campaign.  Best siot!! Each blogger were given a tag ~ utk dipakai sepanjang Progam 2H/1M ini.

I was given a tulips upon registration at The Bee, Jaya One. U know what? I was Blogger no. 14 who arrived. Yang terakhir dan paling lambat sebab jalan-jalan yang saya lalui sangatlah tidak "Ella Friendly". The traffic was bad that Friday morning. Phewwww .. Bercinta nak sampai tempat ni walhal Sg Buloh ke PJ tidak lah jauh sangat. The message from Joey was "Find your Team Mate by matching this Tulips". Hahaha .. siapa la yang tak bernasib baik utk berkongsi kereta dengan Misz-Ella tu ye? Sila refer ke Entry ini untuk jawapannya.

Tu dia .. jalan-jalan yang perlu kami lalui. But dont worry .. The Lead Car, GPS and others always there to guide us. 11 kereta berkonvoi bersama. 5 cars by Bloggers, 1 Lead Car, 1 Sweeper, 1 Photographer, 1 Crew and 2 by Honda. 

It was a nice experience. Bila ada diantara syarikat automobil yang memilih Lot-lot parking untuk Test Drive, Honda Malaysia bring us to the experience the Hybrid Car on the actual track. Drive with feel ~ That's the main point of the 2D/1N Test Drive.

Jalan bandar, Jalan Kampung, Lebuhraya .. semua kita cuba. Hutan batu, hutan sawit, jalan terus dan kornar baring .. semua kita dah rasa. Feel it .. experience it .. 50km/j? 90km/j? 162km/j*itu Ujang!!* haha. It was fun. OK. Got to go. Mata masih mengantuk gara-gara sampai rumah pukul 10 malam semalam. That is what happened when other Bloggers choose to balik rumah and take a rest immediately after the Event ends, Misz-Ella pulak decide to jalan-jalan cuci mata di 1Utama bersama keluarga. In return, i only managed to wake up when the sun smile and shine. Rise and Shine, Ella. Jom workout!! Worhhh .. sempat lagi pagi tadi. Hihihi.


  1. best la bole join benda cam nih..mmg utk active bloggers je ya KC :)

  2. kak jie pula bangun awal, keluar ke McDonals utk sarapan bersama anak-anak...dah tak larat nak masak pagi2 ni...hihihi

  3. selamat berkenalan kak chik. hehe.. - Nik Razin

  4. best...lain kalii ajak kita skali eik...

  5. Best la dapat jalan2 naik keta baru sambil buat review... jeles sehh

    Entri Terbaru saya:
    Bagaimana Mahu Meningkatkan Keyakinan Diri

  6. teammate kc balik rumah cover tido..kepenatan:)

  7. kakchik...
    bestnya laa mesti blogger2 yg hebak2 ja nihh...heheheh

    HONDA...kl sy beli ex5 boleh laaa....hehhehe
