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readssolution Apps untuk pengguna Android

Hello Hai Readers ..

Misz-ella dan rakan-rakan dijemput untuk menyertai Event readssolution. What is readssolution? Its a Mobile apps which connects us with the most exciting deal in our City - Food, entertainment and lots of exciting offers. So jom .. lets checkidaut readers ..

readssolution is a mobile apps yang boleh dimuat turun/download oleh pengguna-pengguna Android melalui Play store. readssolution menghubungkan kita dengan pelbagai tawaran menarik. Voucher discount, kupon tunai dan bermacam lagi promosi menarik. Selain dari itu, readssolution menghargai para pelanggannya melalui 'loyalty programme'. Banyak ganjaran menarik boleh diperolehi oleh pelanggan-pelanggan readssolution. Means, you download the apps and you will receive a lot of exciting offers. 

 Penerangan lanjut tentang 'Apakah readssolution' oleh Encik Uzir -CEO readssolution. *Photo dari Instagram*

 Bloggers seen at the Event. *Photo dari Instagram Yayanatsumi*

 Setelah apakah readssolution dikenali, maka tak diam jari jemari para bloggers menaikturun Applikasi ini. Reminder sekali lagi ~ hanya untuk pengguna-pengguna Android. So sesiapa yang tiada Android, tersangatlah rugi kerana terpaksa gigit jari. Ehhh no worry .. jom dapatkan satu telefon pintar mesra alam sekarang so that you wont miss the opportunity to join readssolution like me. Yeayyy !!

Once downloaded, kita akan diminta mendaftarkan diri dan 'Log In' menggunakan no telefon sedia ada. Once Log in, maka bermulalah aktiviti menemui diskaun-diskaun hebat dan tawaran-tawaran menarik berserta ganjaran-ganjaran menarik menanti kita yang ditawarkan oleh readssolution.

Maxis is partnering with readssolution too. So pegguna-pengguna Maxis .. this is for you *me too .. hehe*

Bermula sekarang sehingga 30 September 2015, dapatkan RM5.00 Top Up Maxis percuma dengan hanya 2000 points

Ohhh percuma Aiskrim Kelapa *favourite*

readssolution bukan sahaja menghubungkan kita dengan rangkaian iklan-iklan hebat tetapi juga memberi ganjaran semula ke atas setiap pembelian .. its a loyalty programme too. Lagi satu berita baik ialah, Kempen 'Invite Friend' sedang berlangsung di apps readssolution. Bermula dari sekarang, download readssolution app, 'invite friend' untuk menyertai program ini dan dapatkan lebih banyak ganjaran lagi. Download, invite friend and get rewarded. Every steps count. Best, kan.

Now is the best time to take this action - go to your Play Store, download readssolution apps, start inviting friend and stand a great chance to win yourself a HUAWEI P8. For Android user only .. Iphone user sorry .. you gonna miss this great opportunity. Hehe.

The annoucement and prize giving ceremony for invite friends 1.0 - Miss Xin Tiam. Congratulations .. lets copy her readers .. we might be the Winner too, right.

Then there was a game for the Bloggers .. Ella is so nervous cos its Pertandingan Minum Teh Tarik yang tak la panas tapi Suam. Mati la .. mati la aku .. punya la suspen Misz-ella time ni .. nervous gila! Haha.

One two go .. choose the best glass

Drinking Teh Tarik competition. Cuba teka Adakah saya pemenang nya? Haha.

Ohh tidak kerana pemenangnya adalah Yayanatsumi. Yeayyy *tepuk tangan*

r is readssolution

Ye .. yang ni saya punya

Group photo at readssolution event. Thanks readssolution for the opportunity. Thanks blooggers media for the invitation. The Event is sweet and gathering. The apps is great and benefits us as a user. So readers, wait not more .. check your internet connection, go to your Playstore and download readssolution now. Do not forget to Invite your friends who knows you might be the Winner. Jangan lupa .. DOWNLOAD readssolution now.

This is how readssolution works - From Idle phone then you receive and end the call, an Ads will pop up then the ads end .. and that's how you earn rewards point. Its so easy and cool ya!

So readers .. Jom. Jom. Jom. Kita download sekarang dan mula lah nikmati ganjaran-ganjaran hebat dengan senang hati.

Visit readssolution Facebook di 

*Photos in this Entry are from readssolution FB, Feeqsays FB, Yayanatsumi and Rubydotmy FB dan lain-lain lagi. Tq korang*

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