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Rest in peace Evelyn Ang Loo

1st March 2018 - Sad Day. I loss my lovely friend, Evelyn Ang Loo, an avid marathon runner who is also a lifestyle blogger.

Evelyn was hit by a car during Klang City International Marathon on 9th December 2017 with two other persons. She suffered a cranial fracture and bleeding in the brain. Since the accident, Evelyn has gone through 11 operations and 1 heart attack and she never woke up from her coma.

Me and Evelyn during L'occitane event

Evelyn is such a lovely person. She always smile. She never raised her voice. She is happy-go-lucky and friendly. I first met her when we participated in L'oreal event a few years back. Since then, we always bumped into each other at other events.

Evelyn's liveable and joyable personality bond us to be closer.  Evelyn is a thoughtful friend who never failed to send a birthday message directly to me. Evelyn is a friend who made me proud being a mother ~ Your son is very good, Ella. He is a well-mannered man. You raised him well. You must have done a good job as a mother *sobs* 

I looked up and respect Evelyn's point of view. When I was down and said I am not a good runner like her .. she praised me by saying But Ella, you are a good dancer, I can't shake my body like you.

Evelyn, you left too soon. Remember we are supposed to go to the hair salon together? Remember our facial session at Hilton Hotel Spa where you volunteered yourself during the demo session? You was so cute and lovely at that time.

I remembered visiting you at the hospital on 24th February 2018. Looking at your helpless body .. I cried. I remember touching your body gently and softly .. I remember whispered in your ear and I remember I told Dennis You will be OK. Evie is in a good shape, Dennis. Deep inside my heart, I hope you will be given a second chance *sobs*

But on 1 March 2018 at 1:43am, I read a message from Ariff at our Running Bloggers Whatsapp Group  Hey Everyone. Dennis have updated the latest news about Evelyn. I went to your Facebook page and .. I was sad. You are strong Evie. You are a fighter. I know you had a long tough battle and you had finally reached your finishing line *sobs*

I told Aiman *your sweetie* later in the morning that Evie has left us. Aiman said .. Dia dah penat mama. Dia dah tak nak lari lagi *sobs*

I can't stop my tears remembering you, Evie ~ Your jokes, your small eyes when you laughed, your 'stylo' sporting attire, your sweet word and your love to my son. Thank You for being a good friend Evie. Thank You very much. May You Rest In Peace. We will miss you dearly ..

who drew her last breath at 1:30am, 01032018.

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