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True Friends

In life we met a lot of people. Some become friends .. some we met and forget. Some become close friends .. while some is just a friend, but what most important in life is to have a true friend.

True friend does not mean your close friend. You might be close to each other .. you might see each other so often but he or she might not be your true friend.

True friend is a person who knows your strength and weakness and still treasures you for who you are .. genuinely .. sincerely ... without putting any expectations or expect something in return. Please remember that friendship is not an opportunity but is a responsibility.

True friend can be someone that far from you but that does not mean that they do not care ..  just like a star .. true friends brighten your dark lonely night and the spark make you smile.

True friend is a person who always stand by your side and will not betray you no matter what. We talk, we discuss, we joke, we laugh, we argue, we cry, we comfront each other but at the end we are still Friend!

True friends are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget. Their love and kindness leave a special feeling in our heart .. forever. 

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