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Problem and solution

Hello readers ..

I am back with my sharing session. I think everyone will agree if I say Life is full of challenges. That is how we grow. Without challenges, we will go nowhere and we will learn nothing.

Just like a road that we pass everyday, it has many bends, turns, ups and down .. that is our life!

Looking at my life .. I have traveled this far .. the road that I passed was not always straight .. there are times where I have to passed or clear a hurdle to reach my destination.

That hurdles are call problem. Each and everyone of us are fighting with our own life battle. It could be problems of our career, study, finance, marriage, relationship, family and friends that are affecting us, emotionally and could be physically too. Various colour, shade and shape of problems we face form a life!

Be strong. Stay calm. Take a deep breathe. Keep the problem in a small circle, as smaller as we can. Avoid further conflict because it does not help in solving the problem at all.

Focus and Think! Focus only 10% on the problem while 90% on the solutions. Yah .. I learnt from my past. Last time, I focused on the problems too much. I can't teach and control my mind when I kept on thinking .. thinking .. and thinking. I avoided family and friends .. I spent my time alone .. thinking, reminiscing previous memories which brought me to where I am today. When I am at stable condition, I opened my door again .. SILLY! Yah I was silly and stupid at that time. Count back .. how many hours and days wasted on just thinking? Couldn't it better if those times spent on other useful matters?

Life is full of colours .. some are wonderful striking colours, like the bollywood costume that i am wearing (costume by Sonali Fashion, an entry about it will be on the blog, soon) but there are times where our colours of life could be dull, dark or plain .. 

Dear readers .. whatever colours of life that you are having now .. Stay positive. Enjoy every moment - bitter, sweet, good or bad .. each moment are valuables and precious. Sweet moment gives us good feeling, make us smile and give us sweet memories while bad moment gives us money can't buy experience and lesson. Appreciate. 

Face challenges with pride. Walk away and let go all negative vibes that might bring you down. Because we are human, we were given an emotion .. so it's ok to feel 'down' once a while but remember to quickly recover and put your chin up. Be with a person who build you up, who always have their back for you, who loves and support you and lastly, always remember that life is a circle of happiness, sadness, good times and bad times. Do not focus on the hurt. Focus on the solution and lesson. LIVE YOUR LIFE. BITTER OR SWEET .. APPRECIATE EVERY MOMENT 

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