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Jom Gaya Hidup Sihat ~ Makan dan Exercise
Another chapter of my exercise diary .. hidup Misz-ella camni la .. kalau tak kerja, exercise. Kalau tak kat Event kat Gym. Tu je la tempat...

Murals of Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, the highlights of 'Sayangi Malaysiaku' exhibition
Hello lovely readers,
Time flies and we will be celebrating our 61st independence day soon. In conjunction with our Merdeka celebration, Carousell, Republic of Bricks (ROB) and Sunway Pyramid Mall
will be putting on a LEGO Art exhibition.
Themed “Sayangi Malaysiaku”, murals
of Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, will be among the highlights of the exhibition. Over 20 LEGO mosaics and
murals featuring interesting Malaysian
moments, culture and sceneries will be on display.
Other than that, visitors can
also look forward to LEGO-themed activities by ROB, a
LEGO builder community. This exhibition is free and open to the public.
Thursday, 30 August 2018 - Sunday, 2 September 2018
10:00AM - 10:00PM
LG2, Central Avenue
Sunway Pyramid Mall
3, Jalan
PJS 11/15
Bandar Sunway
Subang Jaya
So Malaysian, lets take the opportunity to recall our beloved country beautiful moments by visiting 'Sayangi Malaysiaku' exhibitions together with your family, and friends to foster the spirit of patriotism among us. We are a proud Malaysian, right.
For more information, visit Carousell on www.facebook.com/carousell.my, or download the Carousell app from the Apple Store or Google
Play Store.
Hari Raya Aidil Adha 2018. Korban.
Hari Raya Aidil Adha 2018 dah pun berlalu, tapi tetap nak tulis entry ni buat kenangan hari tua. Rasanya tahun ni hari raya Aidil Adha yang paling simple buat Misz-ella ..
Saya tak masak .. sebab diaorang tak bagi saya masak
Saya recycle jer baju yang ada .. Haha .. biasa la tu, kan
Saya tak balik kampung. Haha ... tu pun biasa jugak
Kita berdua je lah bergambar. Yang lain-lain tu tak sempat nak difotokan ..
Muka comot selepas seharian berpenat-penatan ke sana sini. Dapatlah Misz-ella ke 3 buah rumah masa Hari raya Aidil Adha tu ~ rumah kawan saya Puan Sri Sabrina dan Tan Sri Syed Yusuf, villa Nizam di Shah Alam dan rumah mama. Satu keping gambar pun tak ambik sebab minda kita macam-macam ada ~ sambil raya sambil bincang something serious. Kat rumah mama je dapat bersantai sikit ..
Jom kita cerita tentang pengorbanan. I m sure in your life, you did sacrifice. Kalau nak cerita tentang pengorbanan Misz-ella, hummm .. sampai esok pun tak habis .. korang confirm boring tak larat nak dengar. Korban masa, korban tenaga, korban perasaan *ohh sedih ..* dan bermacam lagi. Mungkin Allah SWT jadikan Misz-ella ni seperti lilin kot, kena korbankan diri untuk beri cahaya kepada orang lain. Banyak kali lah kena korbankan diri. Bukan senang nak pujuk hati, bukan senang nak keluar dari kesedihan tapi tak pe lah ... saya redha. Bila redha, Allah balas. Misz-ella dah rasa kasih sayang Allah SWT. Ada satu masa tu, saat dilanda dugaan ... Hanya pada Dia Misz-ella berserah. Tak da seorang manusia pun yang tahu betapa gundahnya hati *sebab saya bukan jenis yang suka cerita pada orang*, betapa sedihnya perasaan .. bayangkan kau sampai terduduk, sukar untuk bangkit dan melangkah masa tu hanya ada aku dan Dia. Tak da siapa-siapa. Hanya mampu pasrah dan berserah. Misz-ella baca surah Al-Fatihah berulang kali .. minda kosong .. fikiran melayang entah ke mana .. sampai hari ini Misz-ella taktau bagaimana ia terjadi, bagai ada tangan lain yang memimpin dan menunjuk jalan yang benar. Kuasa Allah SWT, memang tak tercapai dek akal manusia. Peristiwa itu buat Misz-ella sedar bahawa Allah itu maha adil dan sayang kita semua. Walaubagaimana buruk pun kau di mata manusia, Allah ada pita pengukur dia sendiri dan itu adalah hak mutlak Dia.
OK lah tak nak kongsi banyak sangat dengan pembaca kesayangan blog Dari Jari-Jari Halusku ini. Kesian korang kena baca Kisah Benar yang mungkin dongeng di mata hati sesetengah manusia. Hati dan mulut manusia ni bukan semua sama. Tapi tak pe, yang perlu kita jaga adalah hati dan mulut kita, kerana di situlah punca segala dosa. Teringat pesanan seorang kawan .. Jaga hati. Jaga mulut. Jangan sakitkan hati orang kerana kita tak tau apa yang dia adukan kepada Allah *baiklah, TQ sahabatku atas nasihat*
Ustaz dulu pernah cakap, Berdosa pada Allah lain, berdosa pada manusia lain. Ustaz kata nanti di akhirat, masa kita mintak ampun sebab dosa kita sakitkan hati orang, Allah kata pergi cari orang yang kamu sakitkan itu, minta ampun pada dia dulu. Tapi sebenarnya, buat sesiapa yang pernah menyakiti hati Misz-ella, aku dah maafkan. Aku manusia biasakan, mestilah sedih tapi aku sedih sekejap, aku muhasabah .. lepas tu aku move on .. aku disconnect benda-benda tu dari hati aku kerana tak nak simpan titik hitam dalam hati. Lepaskanlah. Let It Go. Jangan simpan sebab kita tak nak orang tu susah kerana kita dan kita pun tak nak hati kita berbintik hitam kerana sakit hati pada dia. Terus terang cakap ye .. salah satu rezeki dan nikmat Allah bagi kat kita ialah bila kita tenang dan bila kita tak rasa sakit hati pada orang. Amazing feeling .. money can't buy.
Alahai .. panjang pulak aku membebel. Sebenarnya aku banyak kerja. Ada bakal client mintak proposal, aku belum buat *hehe*. Ada email nak kena balas, aku tak buat aku pi borak pulak dengan korang kat sini *hehe* OkBye. Terima kasih datang baca perkongsian yang tak seberapa ni. Yang mana baik, terima lah. Kalau rasa tak baik, ignore je . Jangan lupa jaga hati ok .... Allah bagi hati satu je, tak da spare part. Life easy friend, dont make it complicated. ByeBye.
Dunk & Dip, Crunch & Repeat with KFC Dunk & Dip!
Hello readers,
KFC Malaysia has reinvented the rules of eating by bringing
a playful twist to their menu with their latest innovation - KFC ‘Dunk &
Dip’. Forget about the conventional way of dining, this new creation by
KFC invites everyone to break free from the ordinary and indulge in the Finger
Lickin’ good fun of dunking and dipping their favourite KFC Crispy Tenders.
The fun comes from the interesting play of flavour and
texture of the combination of two new unique dips. The barbeque Smokey Zesty
Dip together with the peppery crunch of the Crackling Rice Pops with KFC’s
succulent Hot & Spicy Crispy Tenders, offers a sensational eating experience
that promises to delight and excite.
This newly-launched Dunk & Dip Crispy Tenders is created to
bring a unique and fun experience to customers in a never-before format to ensure they experience a good time whenever they choose to dine with KFC. With the delicious Smokey Zesty Dip and crunchy Crackling Rice Pops you won’t
be able to stop. Just dunk, dip, crunch, and repeat!
KFC Dunk & Dip is available à la carte and in combo
meals for a limited time only. Starting from RM 6.90, Dunk & Dip à la carte
comes with 3-pcs of Crispy Tenders, the Smokey Zesty Dip and Crackling Rice
Combo meals starts from RM13.90 with an option of 1-pc or 2-pcs of
chicken, together with KFC signature sides and a refreshing cup of iced lemon
tea, it is a complete meal set to satisfy.
So readers, wait know more. KFC Dunk & Dip is available nationwide at all KFC restaurants from 16 August 2018, while stocks last! Do not miss it!
more information, please visit: www.kfc.com.my
Aveeno® and Aveeno Baby® now available in Malaysia
Hello readers,
Aveeno® and Aveeno Baby® has safely landed in Malaysia!
Malaysians are now able to experience the nourishing touch of Aveeno®! With Aveeno ®, the most trusted brand for its use of natural
ingredients, and Aveeno Baby®, the #1 U.S.
pediatrician trusted brand* for the use of natural ingredients, you and your
loved ones can now discover natural beauty and well-being in your lives.
its humble beginnings in 1945, the story of Aveeno® has been one of discovery and passion.
By unlocking the power of nature through scientific advances, the brand has
discovered ways to nurture and transform skin to an enhanced state of natural
health and beauty.
by American inventor and philanthropist brothers Albert and Sidney Musher,
Aveeno®’s brand name was
inspired by Avena sativa, the Latin word for ‘oat’, which is the key ingredient
in Aveeno® products.
Aveeno® believes that oats has the power to
soothe, heal and even transform, allowing women throughout the world to
discover the full potential of her natural beauty and live a
naturally-beautiful life.
NATURALS – sourced from nature, unlocked to deliver real benefits!
most unique aspect of Aveeno® are its ACTIVE
NATURALS ingredients, where only high-quality natural ingredients grown in an
ideal environment are carefully-selected and uniquely-formulated with the power
of science to give your skin real benefits.
Bridging the gap between
health and beauty, Aveeno® prides itself on using
simple, naturally-derived ingredients that deliver results. Good for skin and
good for the senses, each Aveeno® experience is a delight, combining
kind-to-skin formulas with light scents which are as gentle as fragrance-free
The skin’s role
and Benefits of Oats for your skin
The skin is our body’s
largest and fastest-growing organ which provides a natural protective barrier
between ourselves and the environment to protect our body from infections,
pathogen and harmful UV radiation. It’s also vital in maintaining homeostasis, helps
to restrict fluid and prevents loss of moisture. Hence, optimizing skin moisture
level is the key to healthy and naturally glowing skin. Associated with a long history of use in
skincare, oats provide multiple benefits to all skin types, especially dry,
irritated and itchy skin. It is also safe for babies’ delicate skin. Thanks to
ACTIVE NATURALS, the Triple Oat Formula that is only available in Aveeno® products combined
colloidal oat, avenanthramides and oat oil to create supercharged Triple Oat
Complex that delivers up to 9X the antioxidant power**:
Colloidal oatmeal - seals in moisture
Avenanthamides - soothes and calms irritated skin
Oat oil - strengthens the skin's natural moisture barrier
Aveeno® products that are available in Malaysia :-
Aveeno® Daily Moisturizing Body Wash
(354ml, RM40.47)
Aveeno® Daily Moisturizing Lotion
(354ml, RM44.25)
Aveeno® Daily Moisturizing Sheer Hydration
(350ml, RM52.74)
Aveeno® Skin Relief Body Wash
(354ml, RM45.19)
Aveeno® Skin
Relief Moisturizing Lotion
(354ml, RM52.74)
Aveeno Baby®: created with
love by mums, for mums
same level of care goes into Aveeno Baby® products – also formulated with ACTIVE NATURALS Oats, blended
with rich, moisturizing ingredients to help protect baby’s delicate skin, even
newborns. With products for daily use and special care, Aveeno Baby® answers the need for body care products
made with natural ingredients to prevent the recurrence of itchy, dry or
irritated skin.
Baby® products that are
available in Malaysia :
Baby® Wash & Shampoo
Aveeno Baby® Daily Moisture Lotion
(227ml, RM41.42)
Aveeno Baby® Soothing Relief Creamy Wash
Aveeno Baby® Soothing Relief Moisturizing Cream
(141ml, RM41.42)
Aveno Baby® Dermexa Moisturizing
(236ml, RM65.00)
Aveeno Baby® Dermexa Moisturizing Cream
(141ml, RM60.28)
Aveeno® and Aveeno Baby® are now available at selected major pharmacies such as AEON Wellness, Caring, Guardian and Watsons. For more information, follow Aveeno® Malaysia on Facebook at (https://www.facebook.com/myaveeno).
Celebrating Beauty in Unity Poh Kong’s Truly Malaysian Collection, Inspired by You
Hello beautiful readers ..
Lets talk about something beautiful today. The concept of beauty differs from one person to
another. Ask around and you will find beauty in the most unlikely places or
surprising situations. At Poh Kong, beauty is defined at the very moment we see
our fellow Malaysians putting aside their differences for the betterment of the
country and to preserve the independence as well as freedom our forefathers
fought 61 years ago. Not only that, beauty is also the respect Malaysians have
for one another regardless of one’s race. In celebration of one of the most
memorable Merdeka yet, Poh Kong has put together a selection of meticulously
designed jewellery masterpieces from various collections to reflect true
Malaysian beauty.
Bunga Raya Collection
Bunga raya bangle
Bunga raya necklace
Bunga raya ring
A creative fusion of 916 gold, the intricacy and complexity of
these masterpieces truly exhibit the elegance and purity of Poh Kong’s Bunga
Raya Collection. The five petals of our national flower delicately grace the
locket and bracelet, with elaborate Hibiscus engravings at the center that add
to its captivating appeal. What better way to accessorise and add a touch of
class to your kebaya or baju kurung than with this breathtaking collection?
Manja Collection
Manja Bracelet
Manja Pendant
Happiness that’s adorably charming.
The Manja Collection was specially-designed to infuse delight and
purity into your little ones. It will definitely be an invaluable symbol of
your affection that will be enduringly appreciated.
Golden Delights Series - Blooming Riches
Blooming bangle
Blooming ear studs
Blooming Pendant
Blooming ring
Bountiful Gold & Jade Series - Abundance
of Riches Collection
Jade earrings
Jade Pendant
is sure to make a grand entrance when glittering with glamour in this
impressive set of 916K gold earrings and stunning necklace. Each piece is
meticulously embellished with coloured beads of vibrant hues that will inject
joyous colours into your style. This set of masterpieces is a perfect match for
saris or shalwar kameez.
Tranz Duet
Duet ring
call of the wild resonates with this arresting pendant and ring etched with an
abstract imagery to fire your imagination.
Tranz Nature
Be enchanted as nature’s best kept secrets and ingenious designs
are unravelled through a secret garden of exquisite jewellery inspired by flora
and fauna. Unravel a web of intrigue
with this leaf-veined pendant, bracelet and ring of uncommon splendour to
complement your unique style this Merdeka.
Check out this wonderful range of jewellery,
available exclusively at Poh Kong, Poh Kong Gallery and Diamond & Gold. For
more info, log in to www.pohkong.com.my or www.facebook.com/pohkongjewellers.
Happy Birthday Aiman
Happy Birthday Aiman ~ Semoga Allah SWT beri Aiman kesihatan yang baik agar dapat beribadah kepadaNya dan berbakti kepada mereka yang memerlukan. Semoga Allah SWT tetapkan hati dan pendirian Aiman agar sentiasa berada di landasan yang betul. Semoga Allah SWT perluaskan lorong-lorong sempit dan memberi cahaya di saat kegelapan hidup Aiman. Semoga Allah SWT beri Aiman ketenangan hati dan kelapangan masa. Semoga Allah SWT murahkan rezeki Aiman. Amin.
Birthday cake courtesy of Aizan from Renaissance Hotel. Thank you kakak yang baik hati.
Terima Kasih Qis kerana sudi datang dan raikan harijadi Aiman bersama-sama. Ingatlah Aiman bahawa Allah SWT beri rezeki dengan berbagai cara - sahabat yang baik itu rezeki, kasih sayang yang melimpah ruah itu rezeki, kelapangan masa dan ketenangan hati itu juga adalah rezeki. Hargai orang yang menyayangi kita, yang sentiasa berada disamping kita saat susah dan senang. Sentiasa lah bersyukur dengan apa yang Allah SWT anugerahkan kepada kita.
Thank you Qis!
Masih segar di ingatan saat bertarung nyawa melahirkan Aiman 22 tahun yang lalu. Takkan Mama lupa segala susah payah yang telah kita lalui bersama.
Makan malam bersama kawan-kawan riang ria penghibur hati. Thank you. Kawan yang baik itu rezeki. I love you all!
We started and ended Aiman's birthday with love. Everything were unplan tetapi kalau dah Allah SWT tulis dah jodoh kita bersama, maka jumpa lah kita, kan. Life is always great! Alhamdulillah.
MY Cups of Kindness with Neelofa at Starbucks Reserve™ Store at Four Seasons Place
Hello lovely readers ..
Neelofa recently spent an afternoon at the Starbucks Reserve™ Store at Four Seasons Place serving her favorite Starbucks beverages, and wrote personalized messages of kindness for each of the cups of Starbucks® Apricot and Peach Yogurt Frappuccino® and Starbucks® Ruby Red Grape Blended Juice Drink sold.
This is conjunction with The MY Cups of Kindness campaign where Starbucks partnered with Neelofa. RM0.50 cents from each one of its new Summer Frappucino sold at all Starbucks™ stores in Malaysia on 1 August will be donated to a charity of Neelofa’s choice.
The MY Cups of Kindness campaign started with a simple tweet that Neelofa shared on her social media platform, when she expressed her desire to learn how to make her favorite Starbucks beverages.
Neelofa’s involvement began when Starbucks Malaysia responded with an invitation to have their baristas to show her the ropes after which the MY Cups of Kindness campaign started to materialize. The Starbucks’ Cups of Kindness campaign was first created in the US between Starbucks and American artist Lady Gaga.
For more information, please visit the Starbucks
Malaysia website at www.starbucks.com.my
Garnier Color Naturals with water permeable coloring formula
Hello readers,
Garnier Color Naturals introduced a new range of hair color that delivers both nourished hair and better color while being water permeable.
The new Garnier Color Naturals formula is powered by the nature-based ingredients such as olive, avocado and almond oil that seals in the color and hair resistance for eight (8) weeks. The efficacy of Garnier color naturals is clinically proven as color stays true, giving hair 5X shine, cover greys and easy to use.
On top of the water permeable technology which suits Muslim user needs, Garnier Color Naturals range is also Ammonia-free. The cream delivers better hair texture, hair nourishment, color vibrancy and also smells great during application.
Come with four various colors, Garnier Color Naturals is price at RM19.90 (in a kit box set) and sachets at RM8.90 (for single usage) only!
So my dear readers, if you are looking for water permeable hair color (telus air), get your Garnier Color Naturals today!
Congkak Hi-Tea Set at Tanah Aina Cafe
Congkak Hi-Tea set at Tanah Aina Cafe
RM45 only for 2 persons
Fruit cake, churros, sandwich, chocolate tart, curry puff, cucur udang, cookies and Bubur Kacang ~ served in Congkak
Come with coffee or tea but I opted for Latte (extra charge)
I was there over the weekend with my beautiful mom ~ after 'Kenduri Kahwin'. Kalau dulu mama bela Kc, jaga Kc .. now Kc bawak mama jalan2. Tua dah Kc ma .. mama jugak yang awet muda. My mom is 71, still strong, still can 'dance' *hehehe*, still has a good mind, still beautiful and thoughtful.
For all beautiful things that happened in my life, Alhamdulillah. Allah is the best planner. Thank You God for showering me with Your love, clothed me with strength, calmness and happiness. To my family who always got their back for me during my ups and downs, I love you always.
Happy new week!
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I'm Misz Ella. I am a Lifestyle Blogger. I share my thought about the Beauty products that I used, my travelogue, the food that I enjoyed and my healthy living routine. Email me at kakchik_ella@yahoo.com if you have any enquiries
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Search This Blog
- Happy National Day, Malaysia. Sayangi Malaysiaku
- Murals of Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad...
- Hari Raya Aidil Adha 2018. Korban.
- Dunk & Dip, Crunch & Repeat with KFC Dunk & Dip!
- Aveeno® and Aveeno Baby® now available in Malaysia
- Celebrating Beauty in Unity Poh Kong’s Truly Malay...
- Happy Birthday Aiman
- MY Cups of Kindness with Neelofa at Starbucks Rese...
- Garnier Color Naturals with water permeable colori...
- Congkak Hi-Tea Set at Tanah Aina Cafe
- Change
- Durian Buffet di Tanah Aina Farouq Durian Orchard ...