24th March 2018 marked another history for PEKA or Pertubuhan Pelindung Khazanah Alam Malaysia when their sixth edition of Save Our Rainforest Race (SORR 2018) were attended by almost 1700 persons which includes participants, volunteers, VIPS, Peka states members and other relevant authorities.
The official launched of SORR 2018 by PEKA's President and other VIPs ~ Ketua Polis Putrajaya, Rosly Hassan, Panglima 4 Infantri Malaysia, Y Bhg Mejar Jeneral Datuk Mohd Zakaria, Setiausaha Majlis Daerah Hulu Selangor Y Brs Tuan Awaludin Zakaria, representative from Jabatan Perhutanan Encik Azizon Bin Jaafar and Founder of Cempaka International School, Dato' Frieda Pilus.
In case if you do not know, the International Day of Forests was established on 21 March by the resolution of United Nations assembly on 28 November 2012. On each International Day of Forests, countries are encouraged to undertake local, national and international efforts to organize activities involving forest and trees. Ever since then, PEKA since year 2013 has never fail to organised SORR. Starting from Hutan Lipur Chamang, Pahang, Hutan Simpan Sungai Besi, Kuala Lumpur (2014), Hutan Lipur Kuala Woh, Perak (2015), Hutan Simpang Sungai Menyala, Port Dickson (2016) and Taman Negara Pulau Pinang, Teluk Bahang (2017). Read my entry about SORR 2016 here and SORR 2017 here.
SORR 2018 was not my first SORR but this year marked another milestone for me as I was part of SORR's working committee. The preliminary work for SORR 2018 started on September 2017 with our first site recce. Series of site recce done and finally on January, SORR 2018 location was finalised. Followed by SORR 2018 announcement on February 2018, the committee together with the President has been working very hard to make our mission happened. With UMW Toyota, Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Mydin, The Frangipani Resort, Sunway Resorts Hotel & Spa, Tanah Aina Resorts and many other sponsors on board, SORR 2018 also was done in collaboration with Jabatan Perhutanan Malaysia, Majlis Daerah Hulu Selangor and Divisyen 4 Infranti ATM.

VIP trees planting ~ Y Bhg Mejar Jeneral Datuk Mohd Zakaria, Panglima 4 Divisyen Infantri Malaysia with his planted tree
PEKA President, Puan Sri Shariffa Sabrina and PEKA Vice President, Bakrin planting tree together

Encik Azizon and Tuan Syed planted tree on behalf of Y Bhg Dato' Dr. Hj. Mohd Puat Dahalan, Pengarah Perhutanan Negeri Selangor.
Setiausaha Majlis Daerah Hulu Selangor, Y BRS Tuan Awaluddin Bin Zakaria & Puan Sri Shariffa Sabrina
SORR's loyal supporter - Dato' Frieda from Cempaka International School who has been supporting SORR 6 years continuously without fail .. since SORR firstly introduced in year 2013
SORR 2018 started with a warming up session and our President, Puan Sri Sabrina joined the session too!
Welcome speech by PEKA's President, Puan Sri Shariffa Sabrina Syed Akil
The flag offed by Puan Sri Shariffa Sabrina and other VIPS
SORR 2018 started with a warming up session and our President, Puan Sri Sabrina joined the session too!
Welcome speech by PEKA's President, Puan Sri Shariffa Sabrina Syed Akil
The flag offed by Puan Sri Shariffa Sabrina and other VIPS
It was good witnessing students and individuals who came from all over Malaysia joining us on that Saturday morning

Entering the forest ..

Many do not know how important forests in our life. We depends on forests for our survival .. from the water we consume daily, the air we breathe, to the medicine that cured the critical suffering patients and to the wood that we use. Forests also offer watershed protection, prevent soil erosion and mitigate climate change from time to time. Sadly, besides our dependence on forests, we still allow them to disappear. PEKA has taken their own intiative to educate and create awareness to the society on how important it is for us to take care of our forest through SAVE OUR RAINFOREST RACE (SORR), organising awareness talk and other activities.

Spider Web game

Stop for water refill at the water station provided
SORR 2018 participants were from all ages .. youngsters and elderly

Express Rakyat Game .. Oh dear .. this is sweet!

wow .. so serious Bro? must be trying hard to look for answer ya .. Hehehe.

Meanwhile, injured participant were given medical help by the crew on duty

River is part of our beautiful nature - happy faces of the participants during the river crossing activity

While the crew helped to ensure participants safety

The crew also helped them to capture their memory here.

Amboiiii .. macam-macam gaya ..

SORR 2018, forest and river - we enjoyed our time together .. *and that made the long queue ... hehe*

Entering the forest ..

Many do not know how important forests in our life. We depends on forests for our survival .. from the water we consume daily, the air we breathe, to the medicine that cured the critical suffering patients and to the wood that we use. Forests also offer watershed protection, prevent soil erosion and mitigate climate change from time to time. Sadly, besides our dependence on forests, we still allow them to disappear. PEKA has taken their own intiative to educate and create awareness to the society on how important it is for us to take care of our forest through SAVE OUR RAINFOREST RACE (SORR), organising awareness talk and other activities.

The 15km hiked in Hutan Simpan Gading, Hulu Selangor were started and ended at Kem PLKN Pelangi Hill Resort, Kerling, Selangor. SORR 2018 is a race against time to save our rainforest from extinction. Other than tree planting, participants were given 6 other eco related activities to expose them on our rainforest.
Spider Web game

Get closer to the trees .. identify the tree name was part of SORR 2018'S mission and this was done through TREE QUIZ Game and look .. PEKA's President joined the hike too!
Stop for water refill at the water station provided
SORR 2018 participants were from all ages .. youngsters and elderly

and was supported by Non-Malaysian too

wow .. so serious Bro? must be trying hard to look for answer ya .. Hehehe.

Meanwhile, injured participant were given medical help by the crew on duty

And finally, they arrived at the most cooling spot in SORR 2018 activity. River Crossing! Long queue were seen at this spot as everyone were excited to cross the small river while enjoying their time together here.

While the crew helped to ensure participants safety

The crew also helped them to capture their memory here.

Amboiiii .. macam-macam gaya ..


I guess they are one family - PEKA through SORR united peoples from all walks of life - background, ages, religions and beliefs by bringing them to the forest. See Nature See Life is PEKA'S motto. There are a lot of natural energy when you are with the nature .. the smells from the greens, sounds of the nature .. the fresh air, the cool water and that gave us life!
CUT THE GREED NOT THE GREEN was the message sent to SORR 2018 participants.
Out of the forest on the way to the finishing line .. Some were seen running ..
While some just walked and have fun ..
The best moment is when you reached the finishing line ..
and were rewarded with a Finisher Medal
While 100 plus, isotonic drink waited for them at the finishing line to quench their thirst
Unlike any other running events, SORR provided breakfast and lunch for participants. Thank You Concorde Hotel for the delicious meals!
Participants had their lunch under the trees ..
While some had their muscle stretching under the tent after the 15km hiked
Participants from Orang Gunung Perak (OGP), Sri Manjung Adventure Team and Running Kaki Ipoh took picture with me and PEKA's president. Their second year participated in SORR. Thank You very much! Please join us again next year.
SORR winners with Ketua Pesuruhjaya Polis Putrajaya, Rosly Hasan after the prize giving ceremony
SORR winners with Ketua Pesuruhjaya Polis Putrajaya, Rosly Hasan after the prize giving ceremony
Group photograph of PEKA Malaysia Exco with PEKA's President. All in .. all in .. SORR 2018 was a blast! Our months of hard work has ended on 24th March 2018 and I started to miss the moment where we had series of meeting with our Madam President .. ~ worked together, laughed, discussed, argued together day and night.

And my heartfelt gratitude goes to this special lady - PEKA President, our leader. There were times where she nagged to us like a mother, there was a moment where she advised me like a sister, and there were times where she joked with us like a friend. In life, we made mistakes, we stucked in between our journey, we argued but at the end those were the moments that I really appreciate because that made us closer. Like a family, we shares up and down together and support each other. Hard work, team work, respect, love .. I love you my PEKA family!
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