Hello Hai Readers ..
This entry is about Anaemia ~ Anemia is a condition in which the amount of haemoglobin or number of red blood cells is insufficient to meet the body’s physiological needs. It is often the result of nutritional deficiency, genetics and chronic diseases. And women face a higher risk of anaemia due to iron loss during menstruation and pregnancy.
Ye .. itulah Anaemia .. masalah kekurangan sel darah merah atau haemoglobin yang diperlukan untuk mengangkut oxygen ke seluruh badan kita. Kerapkali dijumpai di kalangan wanita berbanding dengan kaum lelaki. Kerana Wanita makhluk ciptaan Tuhan yang paling istimewa, ada datang bulan, diberi kelebihan mengandung dan sebagainya .. maka kita lebih terdedah kepada simptom-simptom Anaemia ini. Kekurangan sel darah merah menyebabkan peredaran oksigen ke seluruh badan tergugat dan menjejaskan tahap kesihatan jika tidak dirawat dari awal.
The causes of anaemia are :- Abnormal menstrual bleeding, deficiencies of essential vitamins and minerals for production of red blood cells, chronic illness such asinflammatory gastrointestinal diseases, kidney failure and acute and
chronic infections, and increased breakdown of red blood cells due to intensive physical training. The most common cause of anaemia is iron deficiency.
Symptom of anaemia: Dizziness, Pale skin, Feeling Tired and Weak, Difficult to concentrate, Shortness of breath, Headache
If you have symptoms of anaemia, I suggest you get your hemoglobin test done.
My result was good - 14.2 g/dL

In conjunction with the Anaemia Awareness Campaign, Sangobion, a produck of of Merck - the world’s oldest pharmaceutical and chemical company for innovative, top-quality high-tech products in healthcare, life science and performance materials is currently running Free Haemoglobin Test at the leading departmental stores in Klang Valley.
Misz-ella.blogspot.com hereby calls and encourage women from all ages to join this Campaign to keep ourselves healthy, active and harmonious with our family. We are the wing of our family, remember? A healthy, active and strong mother is a key of happiness for a family. So if you suffer from the symptoms mentioned, wait no more .. make your way to the Free Haemoglobin Test Roadshow by Sangobion-Merck to check your red blood cells. Its for you and most importantly think of your loved one.
More info on Sangobion and the roadshow can be find by clicking this link :- http://www.sangobion.com.my/
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