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Jom Gaya Hidup Sihat ~ Makan dan Exercise

Another chapter of my exercise diary .. hidup Misz-ella camni la .. kalau tak kerja, exercise. Kalau tak kat Event kat Gym. Tu je la tempat...

Crazy About Peels? Yeay!! Hello kulit sihat dan cantik!

Hello lovely readers ..

Many has been asking me about how to maintain 'awet muda' after 40. 

Soalan-soalan and ayat-ayat seperti ..

You dont look your age
You look young
Apa rahsia kulit cantik?

Adalah soalan-soalan yang tersangatlah biasa buat Misz-ella. I have shared many tips in my blog about how to maintain youthful and young at the age of 40. Not only the right skincare, a suitable diet and exercise is important but most importantly is how to keep our skin clean, radiant and glowing at all times.

Oopsss .. Hello healthy skin!!

Rahsia kulit cantik no. 1 ialah kulit yang sihat dan bersih. Our skin is a living cell. It need care, love and attention too. Without we realise, we are exposed to free radicals almost 24 hours a day and they are harmful to our skin too ~ Air-conditioner, fan, uv ray, chemicals from our skincare, unhealthy food, pollution .. etc etc.

Those dirt, toxin are unseen and piled in our skin which formed a dead cell at a later stage. Yes we did washed, tone, moisturize everyday but that is not enough.

Penat jaga beria-ia tapi dicemarkan oleh keadaan di sekeliling kita, kan. Habis duit beli barangan mahal tapi kulit masih sama .. masih tak sihat, tak cantik dan tiada perubahan. Ohhh .. sedih.

One of the best way to get rid off the dead cell is by peeling off your skin but it is not possible to do it ourselves at home because the procedure need to be done by a trained medical expert *aesthetic* 

I did once before *before Hari Raya* at Dr. MM Clinic. The procedures took only 15 minutes ~ Walk in, fill in patient's particulars form, have a chat with Dr. Mar to identify your skin needs and ......

No filter ... photo taken without beauty camera .. SUMPAH!

Kulit Misz-ella kekal sihat, cantik, berseri walau selepas beberapa bulan menjalani rawatan tersebut. Rasa happy gila bila lepas Hari Raya tu ramai yang tegur .. Why You Look different? You nampak lain lah. Berseri-seri. You buat apa kat muka you? Jawapan Misz-ella .. Tak ada apa, I buat facial buang sel mati kat muka je. Kat mana? Kat Klinik Dr. Mar.

From now till 31st December 2017, Dr. MM Clinic is having CRAZY ABOUT PEELS promotion where customers/patients can take the opportunity to have a beautiful, healthy, glowing skin at a very affordable price ~ UP TO 70% OFF!

So pembaca-pembaca blog Misz-ella yang inginkan kulit yang sihat, cantik lagi berseri dengan hanya satu rawatan dan kesannya adalah berbulan-bulan, Whatsapp/Mesej Clinic Dr. MM hari ini ke no. tel 0129660852 dengan hashtag #CRAZYABOUTPEELS.

Jom dapatkan kulit yang sihat, cantik dan berseri dengan cara yang selamat. Kita cantik dan sihat sama-sama lah, baru best!


Suria Amanda said...

KC....alaaaa...santeknya sekarang....pm tepi dagu runcing tu haa...