Day 3 in Jogja - Today we woke up a bit late as our journey started only at 7:30am. Ohhhh .. happy gila dapat manjakan diri lebih lama di tilam tempuk itu. Breakfast was "Nasi Kejam" Woahhh .. nama!! White Rice with Fried Soy Bean, Chicken soup with Mushroom and Crackers. Add on the sambal kalau nak pedas. Lepas makan, sila kemas pinggan dan cawan. Nama pun Hostel, kan.
Our first destination was Hutan Pinus Inogiri. Antara tempat paling best, paling nyaman, paling sejuk dan paling tenang. Tiada pencemaran di sini .. yang ada hanyalah oksigen segar dan bersih yang bakal menyerikan lagi paru-paru kita. The journey to this place was again!! Jalan turun naik bengkang bengkok. Best nya la hai kat Jogja ni. Hari-hari naik 'roller coaster' free. Hehe.
Perfect place for wedding photoshoot *Pic by Izzati Hazrul .. lawa gila!*
Beautiful pinus tree
Ehh .. ehh .. empat orang budak cantik sedang berfotoan together. Lawanya korang .. comel je *suka*
Diaorang memang suka bergambar tunjuk belakang. Belakang lagi cantik dari depan kot agaknya ye. Hehehe.
Next we went for Goa Pindul Dark Cave tubing - A magical Journey in the underground river. We were given a life jacket and were asked to float on a rubber tube and the tubes were connected from one to another. We were greeted by a beautiful stalactite and stalagmite as we enter the cave *Wow*
Well this is my first experienced floating on the river in the cave by tubing and life jacket and it was really awesome even I was nervous at the beginning. The limestone cave was totally dark and I am always scared of dark *Ohmy we should have brought our headlamp*
Our 350 metres cave tubing journey was accompanied by 2 guides who shared us the story of this cave along the way.
Best!! Sesetengah tempat agak sempit, kena lipat kaki dan duduk bersila dalam tube untuk melepasi tempat tu.
*Pic credit to
If you go to Jogja, do not miss the cave tubing activity. The cave is so interesting and contains a lot of beautiful stalactites which was formed naturally. Spot the 'batu perkasa' which shaped like the male genital *sorry I do not have photo* . Menurut kata orang dulu-dulu, kalau si jejaka menyentuh batu itu, maka makin perkasa lah kejantannya.. Hehehe *a man will increase his sexual vitality is he touch it, according the myth* and please bring your head lamp so that you can see it clearly.
Out from the cave feeling happy. I love the calm water and my frens accompany which kept me calm along the journey *aku kan takut gelap*
And again .. a long line of ladies on a tube waiting patiently and excitedly for our water rafting experience.
The river flowed gently and so calm. No wonder some called it Natures Lazy River .. hehe.
And suddenly ... woahhh !!! Fun!!
Our journey back was via the pick up lorry again and the view is the green paddy field.
OhMyGod .. Jogja are so lovely. Semua nature ada di sini .. Gunung berapi, Gua batu kapur, Hutan pinus, Air sungai yang mengalir tenang dan juga sawah padi. Makin suka dan cinta lah kami pada Jogja ini.
Then we went for our lobster lunch also at GunungKidul. Ohdear .. the lobsters are so fresh, cheap, juicy and sweet.
2kg lobsters, Nasi putih and Nasi Goreng, Tempe, Ulam and Sambal for 8 hungry ladies cost us IDR900 thousands only. Well .. mana nak dapat dalam dunia harga lobster semurah itu, kan. Makan cepat-cepat lepas ni kita nak menyeberang Lautan Hindi *kunyah laju-laju*
And tadaaaa ... after our luxury lunch, we went to Gunung Kidul for another adventure ~ Gondola Ride! The journey to the Gondola ride was quite challenging too. Jalan sangat tak rata maka bergolek-golek la kami di dalam van. For those who came individually or in a small group, you need to take the Ojek ride *motocycle* which run by the villagers at the foot of the mountain. Once arrive, go to the counter, pay IDR200 thousand per person and get your hand stamped as proof of payment and get excited for the traditional Gondola ride crossing the Hindi Ocean. Interesting, right!
Kita nak pergi sana tu .. tu .. tu .. nak seberang Lautan Hindi tu dengan menaiki gondola tu .. wahhhhhh ..
First thing that I observed once I arrived ... OK its a short ride .. about 100 metres, I guessed. Takut tak? Off course ada sedikit takut but once I made up my mind to took the challenge, I cleared all the fear. Perangai Misz-ella kalau ada ragu-ragu atau kemusykilan, I wont do. I need a very high level of confident as encouragement to push the best of me. So dalam hati dah bertekad. Yang negatif Misz-ella buang jauh-jauh. Nak cuba jugak!
Waiting for turn. Berdebar? Sikit je .. but I have to salute my two friends, Iqa and Nana who were so brave to ride the gondola alone.

OK let me explain .. If you are an adrenaline junkie like us, you should try this ~ Ride this wooden 'cable cart' tied together on pulleys that are made of fabric rope! Yes you heard me right .. fabric rope not a steel cable, ok. Safety? Any life jacket provided? No. Ride on your own risk. Fikir habis-habis nak ke tak nak try and once decided .. GO! No more What if ???? Fikir je yang baik-baik .. In sha Allah Allah balas dengan segala kebaikan juga nanti.

Boarding time. Hehe. Sempat pose untuk kenangan hari tua nanti.
Thanks to my partner Imal for her accompanied. Masa ni aku tak fikir apa dah. Dah tekad dan bulat. So .. Bismillah and Tawakal lah. Moga dilindungi dan perjalanan ini diberkati. Amin. Hold Tight and Lets Go!
All of us safely landed at Pantai Timang. It was a short ride (40 seconds only) I think it is more suitable to called this place Timang Island and I seriously believed that this island is made of giant 'terumbu karang'
The pretty Iqa at Pantai Timang. This lady is a package of sweet, soft appearance but with a thrill adventurous heart. Hehe.
After spending almost an hour at Pantai Timang, we took a gondola ride back.
Tadaaaaaa .. the big ocean, the wind that blows .. ohmy .. Enjoynya .. Jogja is lovely lah! I rindu Jogja!!
Can you see .. the gondola was operated manually by 8 men
After the Gunung Kidul exploration, we went back to the EDU Hostel. On the way home, we stopped at Bukit Bintang for a spectacular view of the whole Yogjakarta at night. Too bad we dont have the pic! Bukit Bintang is lovely too but the food at the Hotel there was a little bit pricey.
Day 1 was a kick start, Day 2 was amazing. Day 3 was undoubtedly another quality day in Jogja. Jogja is amazing, adventurous and fun. Jogja is beautiful and touched our soul.
We flew back to Malasysia on the next day with a sweet memories in Jogja. Jogja best lah. Sapa-sapa yang suka adventure dan nature, sila lah ke Jogja. It is cheap to travel to Jogja but promised you a very unvaluable experienced. Ok Bye. Misz-ella dah habis sharing dah dengan you all ni. Nanti kita cerita lagi. Bye readers. Thank you baca ye.
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