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Jom Gaya Hidup Sihat ~ Makan dan Exercise

Another chapter of my exercise diary .. hidup Misz-ella camni la .. kalau tak kerja, exercise. Kalau tak kat Event kat Gym. Tu je la tempat...

Lovely Datin

Hai .. nak cerita ni. Kat office I kan, ada seorang Datin.  Her name is Datin Shiela. To be exact Datin Ungku Ashiela.  She is a very lovely lady.  When i look at her and other bosses here .. it makes me think .. Kenapa ye orang yang kaya, berpangkat, berharta masih tunduk ke bumi merendah diri? Dan kenapa ye ada orang yang tak ada apa-apa tapi sombong gila? Why? Kenapa kita tak nak amalkan resmi padi macam mereka .. makin berisi makin tunduk ke bumi? Manusia .. macam-macam ragam. Kita yang melihat .. yang baik jadikan teladan.  I strongly suggest kita contohi mereka .. tak sombong, tak berlagak walau berpangkat dan kaya.

The lovey Datin Ungku Ashiela. She is almost 50 and i am shocked when i knew this.  I met her during my interview with RM and J. When she stepped in the room, she straight away came to me and hulur salam.  Then she sit.  I tengok dia dengan rasa tak percaya .. Datin? Mudanya. Otw home i told my fren that i was interviewed by RM, J and Datin joined us later.  The Datin is so young .. baya-baya i je kot dia or younger than me. That was my first thought.  

Then i joined the company.  I was attached at her floor for one month before i move to my place now. Sedih kot jadi bola duk sana sini tapi tak pe lah .. sebab masa tu Workstation i tak siap lagi. 

Datin is a very soft spoken person. She talk softly till i have to melow down my tone when i talk to her. I kan brutal .. cakap laju dan kuat .. but she talk soft and slow unlike me yang ganas camni.

Tapi selembut-lembut Datin, she blows when she is very angry. OK .. sumpah terkedu .. sebab i tak biasa dilakukan camtu. No one has ever shouted at me even dah ramai boss i bekerja. I was attached to many boss before. Kena marah itu biasa tapi selama ni semua boss i mendidik dengan lembut, berhemah dan kasih sayang.  We worked like a family in a happy and harmony environment. But this time its the other way round. Terkedu.

Being me .. i diam seribu kata. Jangan lawan dengan api. Afterall .. that's my style. I takkan lawan. Lagipun i ni blur .. feeling i lambat datang. Kang orang dah habis marah .. baru aku terkial-kial nak feel. Lembab macam siput babi feeling i,kan. Tehehe.

Remember i told you that i have a different way of thinking? If others choose to marah bila kena marah but i choose not to be angry. I muhasabah. I put myself in her condition. She is very tired.  The strength of the company's activity rely on her shoulder. Suddenly she was occupied with many task .. those which were planned earlier and those yang datang secara tiba-tiba. Itu rezeki namanya .. dan rezeki itu datang dengan berbagai dugaan dan ini lah antaranya. Stress kan kalau kita duk tempat dia.  Understanding the situation clearer makes me feel better. I clear my heart. Tak ada sekelumit marah atau tak puashati lagi.  Apa nak heran .. selama ni pun Misz-ella memang jadikan bersihkan hati itu amalan. Ko suka ke ada bintik hitam dalam hati when it is suppose to be clean? I dont like. Nanti airmuka tak bersih dan akan ada timbul jiwa dan tak ceria .. how to awet muda? Cehhhh .. Ella tak habis-habis dengan teori awet muda dia. Tehehehe.

Lunch with Datin at Restoran Rebung, Bangsar .. Datin belanja.  I am happy dapat keluar dengan dia ~ meeting people with a task.  Listening to their conversation makes me gained.  Jangan ingat pergi sekolah je dapat ilmu dik .. ilmu itu ada di mana-mana .. dalam perbualan harian .. dalam mendengar perbualan dua insan. Tiap masa, tiap perbuatan, tiap perbualan berharga kalau kita pandai manfaatkan.  Indirectly, i also learn from her. Thanks for the opportunity. Thanks also for RM who allow us to go out together. 

Management Meeting last Friday.  I want to take the photo of the whole team together before the meeting start untuk jadikan kenangan but i am scared. Scared + shy. Misz-ella nampak je brutal tapi i actually pemalu orangnya. Chewahhh .. pemalu sangat la i.  Until now, i still believe that each and everyone of us are special.  Everyone have their own strength tinggal lagi kita nampak kekuatan itu atau tidak. But what i like here in this Organisation is the professionalism. My Boss scolded his Ex-Secretary depan i tapi dia tak get carried out with his feeling and we can continue our discussion right after that. Datin was so angry but the next five minutes we continue the meeting with laughter and smile. They are smart in managing it. Yang tu memang i tabik spring.

Datin and Hafiz ~ Photos taken during Our Hari Raya Gathering. She gets along with people at various level very well. Datin pemurah, rajin bawak makanan dan jamu staff. I remember someone told me .. Kalau kita belanja orang makan, selama ia jadi darah daging orang yang dibelanja, selama itulah kita dapat pahala. Moga Allah SWT murahkan rezeki Datin dan orang-orang yang pernah belanja Me. Amin.

Menyusuri hari-hari disini, i do not know how is my future here.  Lama? Tak lama? Suka? Tak suka? Hurmmm .. i am not sure.  Bukan senang kita nak timbulkan rasa suka, sayang dan cinta pada apa yang kita buat.  I believe it will take time. You have to like, love and enjoy the things that you are doing then you will look forward to do it every single time and day. Office is suppose to be a place that you are happy to go, then you will look forward to go to work everyday and a lot of things contribute to this. Your Boss, your team, your office environment dan banyak lagi.

I survived 18 years at my previous office. I grew with the company .. started at early 20's and stop at 40's.   I love my Project team. Percaya tak at one time i handled 6 projects worth more than 100 Million at one time.  Stress memang stress but the support, and cooperation given by my Boss and project team make me happy. We worked like a family, sifat toleransi, kerjasama dan tolak ansur sesama kami sangat tinggi. Kenangan lama .. Jodoh dah tak da dengan dorang and now i am belong to my Boss and this company. Kalau ada keserasian, panjang la jodoh kita. Kalau tak ada, terpaksa la bagi Divorce letter. Nak buat camna. I'm the kind of person who always take things positive .. tak payah nak pening sangat la, kan.

Untuk pekerja swasta macam Misz-ella, that is what we always think because we dont have a target untuk bekerja sampai pencen like Govt staffs did. Apa pun, whatever you guys are doing .. enjoy it and have fun. In Sha Allah you akan kekal dan bertahan. Are you enjoying it Ella? Eh .. Rahsia lah .. mana leh bagitau korang. I told my girlfriend recently that i will revise my journey of life chapter by chapter when the time come.  Buat sementara ni .. Biarlah Rahsia. Ok lah. Got to go. Sekian sahaja Entry kenangan buat My Lovely Datin. TQ baca. Bye.


Kakcik Seroja said...

Lain padang, lain belalang... :)

Mama Zharfan said...

she looks like late 30s...siyes awet muda!!

Ati Masrif said...


lama tak online...lama tak jalan2

ella masih sibuk spt dulu dan cantik
sama spt dulu :)