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Jom Gaya Hidup Sihat ~ Makan dan Exercise

Another chapter of my exercise diary .. hidup Misz-ella camni la .. kalau tak kerja, exercise. Kalau tak kat Event kat Gym. Tu je la tempat...

Cik Ella Busy-Busy

11 April 2016 ~ Melepasi minggu ke 2 bulan April, Cik Ella masih lagi busy-busy.

Well .. what is life without up and down?
What is life without drama?
What is life without colours?

I had my new hair colour recently at my favourite Hair dresser Salon place ~ Aishah. Aishah is always my favourite .. since 15 years ago she has been touching my hair .. she know what suits me so there you go ~ blonde with green and ash highlight. Kau memang suka buat akak nampak lawa, kan.

Lepak sorang-sorang makan aiskrim McD while waiting for my next event. Posted this pic to Aiman and he said .. Comelnya! Single ke taken? Nak berkenalan boleh? Ohh anak ku .. you are so naughty and cheeky! Penghibur hati Misz-ella .. madu dan racun dalam hidup ku ini *love*

Lunch with love

Berbunga-bunga rasa hati bila makan dengan dia. Happy dapat luangkan masa bersama walau sekejap cuma. May God bless your life my dear. I appreciate your presence in my life. Susah senang bersama, dia tempat meluah rasa. OK .. tak boleh cakap banyak sebab dalam suka, bergenang airmata. Kalau lah ... Yes .. my kalau lah will remain kalau lah.

Time flies but memories remain. Kalau nama dah terpahat dalam hati, takkan dilupa sampai bila-bila. OK dah. Tak mau emo-emo. Nak pergi buat kerja lain. Selamat hari Selasa. Moga hari ini bahagia. BYE.