Hai readers ..
Another Fitness Entry for you. Its BDB Climb & Run Langkawi that I attended on 24th April 2016.
BDB Climb & Run Langkawi will be held on 4th June 2016 and in conjunction with the run, a group of runners and bloggers were invited to preview the route. Well, when i was asked by my friend, Marlina, i quickly answer YES. I love to support fitness activity, anyway. Yeah I didn't ask much ... I checked my schedule and Agreed.
We flew to Langkawi on 23rd June 2016, via Fireflyz Flight at 3:30pm. I just reached home at 11:30am from Tanah Aina Resort. Quickly change the luggage bag and there I am .. was seen at Langkawi at 4:30pm 23rd June 2016. Life is like amazing race .. but I'm loving it. Stay positive and be happy. You will enjoy it, definitely.
Once reached we were brought to the Race Flag Off location. Tangga Helang Seribu Kenangan which is located near Kampung Buku. OhMyy .. I have been to Langkawi many times, but this is my first visit to this place.

A short briefing by the Race Director, Ariff and his team. We will try this route tomorrow morning ~ 4287 stairs from the Flag Off location to the peak of Gunung Raya. The distance to the mountain peak is 3.1km. The height is equivalent to double of our KL Tower height. OK this gonna be adventurous and fun. Challenge accepted. I believed I can cos Bukit Kutu which i hiked on December last year was higher .. but still .. I'm nervous.

Dinner with the Race Comittee and the organiser ~ Binaan Darulaman Berhad.
I understand more about the Race by this time. Binaan Darulaman Berhad will be organising 3 race this year and the whole programme is called 'BDB Tripple Challenge 2016'
The BDB Triple Challenge will start with BDB Climb & Run Langkawi which will be held on 4th June 2016, follow by Extreme Jitra and Marathon Jitra. All races will be done in the year 2016.
OK lets talk about BDB Climb and Run. We will climb 4287 concrete stairs to the peak of the Gunung Raya and run 15km downhill. I was quite nervous about running downhill ~ will it be to steep? Well, as usual I do not have a problem on climbing up but was quite nervous/phobia about going down .. lots of question mark .. lots of worryness and being surrounded with the real Marathon runner .. I felt so small. Ella is a dancer. A studio/gym lover. I love aerodance, HIIT, Circuit training, Zumba, Mix Cardio .. sapa lah saya ditengah-tengah mereka semua but then .. JUST DO IT! Enjoy and appreciate every moment *motivasi diri*
A group photo with the Very Important People behind the Race ~ The organiser, the sponsor (Brooks), the hardworking committee, the runners who are going to try the route the next day and the bloggers.
We ended the Dinner and briefing and headed back to our Hotel for rest.
24th June 2016 ~ After breakfast we went to the Race Flag off location.
Muka-muka segar ceria tak sabar nak panjat gunung dan kaki-kaki dah gedik nak berlari katanya, kan.
A group photo before we started ~ Happy, fresh faces and I guess some of them were excited too!
8am 24th June 2016 ~ Fresh air, fresh mood, energetic feeling, excited, nervous .. mix feelings! But looking at the runners .. they inspired us to run too. 4287 concrete steps! Its 20 times Batu Caves height ~ said Miera and for me .. even this mountain is a bit lower than Bukit Kutu, its still challenging. Lets do it ladies .. Redah aje and enjoy it.
The journey to the peak of Gunung Raya mountain is via Hutan Lipur Lubok Semilang. As usual, I love forest. Forest is always the best place for de-stress. Forest means natural sounds, fresh air, cool, windy, big trees, greens .. What an awesome route this race has! *smile happily*
Charlies Angel! LOL!
This is where the race started ~ Tangga Helang Seribu Kenangan (Thousand Memory of Eagle steps). With 4287 concrete stairs the 'Tangga' has, I guessed this is the longest stairs in Malaysia and the longest stairs climbing I ever had in my life.

Keep on climbing but dont forget to pose .. Sharing with the blog reader is a MUST la, kan

Cool, lovely, fresh air .. If you are lucky enough, you might spotted a Giant hornbill. Unfortunately I didn't manage to see it .. but I heard the sound.

Cool, lovely, fresh air .. If you are lucky enough, you might spotted a Giant hornbill. Unfortunately I didn't manage to see it .. but I heard the sound.

1,000 stairs done! Woho! Happy nya .. another 3287 stairs to go *ohh .. die* Haha
2,000 done! To be honest instead of focusing on moving fast and complete the stairs, me and Elana kept on look around and enjoying the nature of Hutan Lipur Lubok Semilang. I am a nature lover. An opportunity to enjoy the nature is something that I do not want to miss! We kept on look around, stopped to enjoy the nature sound .. appreciating the big green trees, the clean zero pollution fresh air, the flora and fauna. OK its not a race anyway, we were previewing the route. So our behaviour are acceptable la, kan. But i seriously think that this route is not only challenging but very healthy too. I love the idea of combining this two elements together. Good job Organiser!
Some trail has a hand railing. Hold on it for extra support.
Some does not have any railing. Being a nature lover, pokok melintang tengah hutan ni pun menarik perhatian i. Stop for posing lah, kan.
Keep on moving. I always love group exercise. I love the idea of motivating and supporting each other. I believe in living like a chain. Hold tight to one another and be stronger. I love this picture. The angle is perfect and I just love the forest. Ok look who is the photographer .. Me! *flip hair .. haha*
Picca .. Picca .. What else ? We had fun during the route preview of BDB Climb and Run

Tu dia ... Gayat tak? Haha.

Tu dia ... Gayat tak? Haha.
Sweating in a cool fresh air is always the best!
Completed 3630 stairs! So so happy. Come on Ella .. sikit je lagi
The last 100 metres was challenging. It was so steep but good thing there is a hand railing at this trail that you might need to support you reaching the peak.
The young energetic runners who made to the top ways earlier before us. Marathon runners, Ultra runners .. they really fully utilized their feet ya. I guess running really make their feet happy .. So run runners .. run. You guys really inspired me lah. I terkagum disitu dengan kemampuan you all berlari.
Finally, we reached the peak of Gunung Raya after almost 2 hours hiking. We enjoyed the forest too much. At times .. I told Elana to stop and paused for a while .. Listen to the nature sound. Its lovely. Heyy look at that trees, the mushroom .. its nice and stop for a while for a deep breath therapy .. lets fill our lung with the fresh oxygen of Hutan Lipur Lubok Semilang. KL is so hazey .. we cant find it at our place *love*
Lets go guys .. 15km downhill .. thats Max Lim #runwithme waving to you, guys
I was nervous when I first heard of 15km downhill. I thought the route will be too steep and dangerous/not so safe for me. I was wrong! Look at the road infront me .. its cool, full of green and lovely.

Ohhhh .. there are still a mist at 10:00am. Cool, breezy and lovely with a scenic view of Langkawi. I love the BDB Climb and Run route.
The next 3km to the finishing line was via a flat road which is hot. Langkawi is hot the whole year round, anyway. So tak heran la, kan. Anyway i guess the feet will intend to work faster and harder when the weather is hot. Tengok dia orang tu .. makin laju berlari masa matahari tengah tinggi.
A pic of those who completed the run. My camera captured only a few pics .. many more has completed the Route preview run, actually.
By 11.30am, we we brought to our Hotel. Had a shower, good rest and then headed for lunch ~ Laksa Langkawi lah, apa lagi.
The BDB Climb & Run Langkawi will be held on 4th June 2016 at Langkawi. So runners, dont wait. Its gonna be challenging and fun.
Book your slot at https://home.hooha.asia/BDBTripleChallenge2016.aspx or visit BDB Triple Challenge Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/bdbtriplechallenge2016/likes
*Photos in this entry is courtesy of the BDB Climb & Run' Whatsapp group and FB. Thanks everyone!
Congratulations you did it...!!!!hehehe
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