Hello readers,
Jom harini kita cerita tentang jaga kesihatan jantung. As you know, kesihatan jantung adalah sangat penting dan harus dijaga sejak dari awal lagi. Living in this multi racial country, Malaysian loves food so much and most of the food adalah sangat unhealthy dan tidak sihat.
Every 15 minutes, there is one death caused by heart disease in Malaysia. Although many Malaysians are aware that heart disease is the number one killer in Malaysia, many of us tend to wait until later to address our heart health under the perception that heart disease only affects elderly. However, research proven that Malaysians in their thirties have ageing arteries similar to people in their seventies due to lifestyle. Yes .. LIFESTYLE is the main factors that contribute to the heart disease and the Truth is Malaysians need to take care of their health now instead of later. NOW ya readers .. while you are still healthy and enjoying your life!
Due to this fact, Nestle, the world's largest food and beverage manufacturer and a leader in nutrition, health and wellness in collaboration with Yayasan Jantung Malaysia (YJM) held the NESTLE OMEGA PLUS WALK-A-MILE (WAM) Campaign for its 15th consecutive years to create the awareness and educate Malaysian on how important it is to take care their heart health. WAM is the longest-running event for heart health advocacy in this country.
As Malaysia's heart health advocate, Nestle believe that our heart in in our own hands, Heart disease does not happen overnight but through years of living with these habitual risk factors. But the good news is that you could save a life in as little as 15 minutes as brisk walking reduces the risk of high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes.
As Malaysia's heart health advocate, Nestle believe that our heart in in our own hands, Heart disease does not happen overnight but through years of living with these habitual risk factors. But the good news is that you could save a life in as little as 15 minutes as brisk walking reduces the risk of high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes.
Pic credit to Ruby.My FB*
The 15th Nestle Omega Plus Walk-A-Mile (WAM) program with a message SAVE A HEART was held at Taman Tasik Perdana on 3rd September 201.
*Pic credit to Sunshine Kelly*
Over 3,800 Malaysian from all ages and races were seen gather together in the lovely Saturday morning to show our support towards a healthier heart.
Yeahhh .. let have some quality time together before the Walk ~ Chatting, laughing, selfie and wefies .. participants were seen spending their time happily at the event.
Health screening booth are available for the participants too
*Pic credit to Ruby.My FB*
Some fun activities were held for them too
Wefie while having our healthy breakfast with Nestle before the event started

The event was flagged off at 8:30am after it is being officiated by the Key VIPs of this years WAM included Datuk Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur Datuk Seri Mhd Amin Nordin Bin Abd Aziz, President of YJM Tun Ahmad Sarji bin Abdul Hamid and Executive Director of Nestle (Malaysia) Berhad, Chew Soi Ping. Notable repersentatives from YJM also participated in the event, including Tan Sri Dato' Kamaruzzaman Shariff, Datuk Dr. J.S. Sambhi, Dato' Gurbakhash Singh. Other guests included Dr. Ng Wai Kiat from National Heart Association Malaysia (NHAM) TV Hosts Gary Wong from Ho Chak! and Naz from Jalan-Jalan Cari Makan.

The event was flagged off at 8:30am after it is being officiated by the Key VIPs of this years WAM included Datuk Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur Datuk Seri Mhd Amin Nordin Bin Abd Aziz, President of YJM Tun Ahmad Sarji bin Abdul Hamid and Executive Director of Nestle (Malaysia) Berhad, Chew Soi Ping. Notable repersentatives from YJM also participated in the event, including Tan Sri Dato' Kamaruzzaman Shariff, Datuk Dr. J.S. Sambhi, Dato' Gurbakhash Singh. Other guests included Dr. Ng Wai Kiat from National Heart Association Malaysia (NHAM) TV Hosts Gary Wong from Ho Chak! and Naz from Jalan-Jalan Cari Makan.
Nestle Omega Plus also presented a cheque totalling RM30,000 to YJM towards a continuous supports and dedication of YJM to educate the public on heart health matters.
Participants from all walk of life and ages walking together towards a healthier heart as soon as the event flagged off. As a Fitness enthusiast, I am always happy seeing people putting their effort on health and fitness.
This year's Nestle Omega Plus Walk-A-Mile concept featured various surprise challenges along the route and participants were seen enjoying it
And Yes .. I was enjoying the fun too. Hey look .. Storm strooper from Star Wars was walking together with me!
The Water Station to quench our thirst
The paramedic was there to served those in need
Participants were not only walking, but were educate on some information on how to they could Save A Heart by maintaining a healthy lifestyle which includes : -
Eat Healthy
Stay Active
Manage Your Cholesterol
Maintain a Healhy Weight
Stop Smoking
Drink 2 servings of Nestle Omega Plus daily - One of the way to reduce the risk of heart disease is to manage your cholesterol levels by adding sterols to your diet. Plant sterols can be found in minimal amounts in grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds but you may have to consume in very large amounts in order to meet the daily requirement of plant sterols in order to have an effect on your cholesterol level. Nestle Omega Plus milk has made it convenient to meet this daily requirement - two servings of Nestle Omega Plus milk a day is all you need and it is equivalent to plant sterols found in 255 tomatoes or 126 carrots. Nestle Omega Plus is the only milk that has Acticol, plant sterols that help lower cholesterol by blocking the absorption into the bloodstream.
The Press Conference after the Walk
All in .. all in .. Nestle Omega Plus Walk-A-Mile is a good platform for us to get together either with family or friends. Walk-A-Mile together while learning how to Save A Heart is definitely an event to look up for next year *I hope Nestle Omega Plus and YJM will continue this event year by year*. I was happy to be part of this special program and was happier when two (2) of my fitness friends, Mieza and Jid came all the way from Sungai Buloh Country Resort to join the Walk.
Walk-A-Mile (15 minutes) daily, readers. You could Save A Heart by doing that.
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