Hello readers ..
Me and my hip hop family has just returned from our Hip Hop Holiday. Four families travelling together, our holiday was fun!
*Pic credit to http://rockbund.my/*
This time we chosed Rockbound Fishing Chalet, located at Marina Island, Teluk Muroh, Lumut, Perak. 3 hours driving from Kuala Lumpur, ok la tempat ni .. sangat sesuai untuk mereka yang ingin beristirehat jauh dari kesibukan kota besar seperti kami ni.
We booked 2 cabins. Every cabin have 2 bed rooms, fully air-conditioned and facing the sea. Free Wi-Fi, towels and toiletries. Coffee and tea making facilities are available too. Each cabin is priced at RM430 per night, perfectly fit 4 persons.
My family and Angah's family were the first to arrived at the destination. We rented the BBQ facilities at RM95.00. Only the BBQ equipment ya .. bahan mentah kami bawak sendiri dari rumah. Not difficult though .. my brother and sista terror bab masak memasak .. me sorang je yang ehemmm .. malasnya nak masuk dapur *hehehe*
Then, Alop and his family arrived from Taiping
Hey look .. we have Sarah with us. This cheeky, sweet, lovely little girl is fun!
And this is Aliya, Sarah's sister. Aliya ni manis lah, sweet sangat.
The sunset
KY and her family arrived right on time. The BBQ has been planned earlier. KY bawak marinated lamb, Angah bawak ayam dan daging. Me? I bawak udang jer.
Posing jari halus for Dari Jari-Jari Halusku Blog, katanya .. LOL!
The delicious food
Saya cuma ada dua orang Kakak Ipar sahaja .. and I love both of them. Thank You Salina and Kak Ngah kerana menerima famili kami seadanya.
Amir dan Ilyas busy cari Pokemon .. satu pulau diaorang jelajah .. hehehe
Aiman bonding time with his cousins ~ Waris-waris Arwah Haji Ismail yang lelaki seramai ni je lah .. cucu-curu Arwah yang lain semua nya perempuan
While mom and dad were seen busy 'makan kuaci' and chatting the night long .. moment yang tak selalu ada and we really appreciate it.
Mana Misz-ella?
Tu dia .. stranded in the cabin with my nieces ..

Mama Uda love you, Aliya, Sarah and Sarah Ardinie .. Thank You Aliya for this Selfie .. Nice Shot and Ya Allah senyuman si Sarah .. nakal tapi manis sangat
*Pic credit to http://rockbund.my/*
Morning breakfast .. Only RM8.50 for extra persons .. pilihan makanan banyak .. sangat berbaloi *no photo .. semua busy makan*
We only spent one night at The Rockbound and departed to our next Holiday destination.
With Aiman and Haris .. Aiman had a nice time jogged along the beach in the morning
All in .. all in we had a great time spending our quality times together at Rockbound Fishing Chalet, Marina Island, Lumut. Quiet place at night this place is perfect for those who are looking for a short getaway. Sesuai jugak untuk kaki pancing. By 10am, we departed to our next holiday destination. Nak tau kat mana? Jangan lupa datang baca ye.
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