Hi. Good morning Tuesday .. Assalamualaikum. Selamat Hari Selasa.
Last week, 2nd October 2014, Misz-ella was invited to attend Think-Tank Focus Group by Ms. Read at Bangsar. Focus Group is a table of discussion/survey that being organised by an established brand to hear what the Customers/potential customers want. Ms. Read is an established brands which has outlets in most of the famous Shopping Mall in Malaysia and its a Plus size clothing line. I'm sure some of my blog reader pernah dengar pasal Ms. Read, kan.
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Ms. Read Focus Group @ Bangsar
Once arrived, we were given a chance to chosed our Name for that afternoon. I was looking for Kimora Lee tapi tak ada .. so i chosed J. Lo .. Tammy chosed Adelle. Wahhh .. tetiba kita sudah jadi Superstar. Glamerlah!! Haha. Then we were given a Survey paper with a few simple questions for us to answer.
Then we discussed about the Questionnaire given. Where do you shop? How much do you spend for shopping? What is your favorite brand? Light refreshment was served during the Discussion.
Finally, we were shown with a few clothes ranges from tops, jeans, pants, dress and gave our opinion about it. The prints, the design, the colours .. we share our thought together.
Happy Faces after the Focus Group Discussion
We were the Superstar for that afternoon. Yeayy!! I seriously think that this Focus Group is a very good exercise .. to hear the feedback about their design .. to get the response from the Client/potential client about what they want .. to get more ideas about the prints, the design, the curves on their existing design. We enjoyed our afternoon. Thank you Ms. Read for the invitation.
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I'm Misz Ella. I am a Lifestyle Blogger. I share my thought about the Beauty products that I used, my travelogue, the food that I enjoyed and my healthy living routine. Email me at kakchik_ella@yahoo.com if you have any enquiries
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Wah! Bestnya.. Dapat goodies bag y lagi.. ^_^
Rosmiza Ali Official Blog™
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