Hello readers .. Today Misz-elle nak share tentang hydraluron skincare .. I first knew about it when i was given a Beauty Box by The Butterfly Project. hydraluron face mask was inside the Beauty box .. i tried it on my face .. its really moisturize and today, Misz-ella will review 2 products from Indeed labs .. hydraluron moisture jelly and powder exfoliator.

hydraluron moisture jelly brought to you by Indeed Labs, this ultimate daily use topical moisture protector with a unique jelly formula help leave our skin soft, supple and more radiant than ever before.
hydraluron moisture jelly suits all type of skin, provide instant and long-term locked-in moisture to the skin through a sophisticated complex of five key actives, which support the natural protective layer of your skin, helping to restore moisture levels and defending against future lost. WoW .. hydraluron moisture jelly gives your skin double moisture .. current and future.
The key ingredients & benefits :-
Patch20tm :- helps provide immediate and long-lasting moisturisation through a molecular mesh that reduced water evaporation from skin, helping it regain optimal moisture level
Fucogel :- Absorb quickly by skin, Fucogel helps provide long-term binding of water and moisturisation to create a protective film on the skin's surface which defends against transepidermal water loss
Hyaluronic Acid : A high-level hydrating substances that holds up to 1000 times its weight in water. It acts as the utimate drink for your skin, resulting in longer-lasting feeling of softness, plumpness and hydration.
Hydraluron moisture jelly is free of paraben, oil, fragrance and colouring.
No harsh abrasives and free of weird chemicals.
Misz-ella dah try hydraluron jelly moisture ini hampir 3 minggu. Its thick and clear in colour. Its quite sticky when first applied but it will quickly absorb deeply inside your skin leaving your skin feel moisturize. Mula-mula je rasa melekit sikit lepas tu dah ok. I like the pumping tube. Biasanya Misz-ella akan gunakan 2 pam, baru cukup untuk satu muka i yang bulat ni. Hehe. It really gives a moisturize effect .. kulit langsung tak ketat dan kering malah lebih lembap dan lembut. Disebabkan Misz-ella tak guna Toner, i applied hydraluron moisture jelly direct to my skin immediately after cleansing then baru yang lain-lain. Mula-mula pakai macam tak serasi but after a while i can see the good effect of this jelly moisture on my skin. Kulit tak rasa ketat tapi rasa lembut dan lembap. Ingat ye readers .. moisture is a key for a wellbeing and healthy skin. So if you are facing a dry skin problem, perhaps you should try hydraluron jelly moisturiser.
hydraluron jelly moisturiser berhargar RM99/30ml dan boleh didapati di Muse by Watsons Sunway Pyramid dan Watsons Suria KLCC.

powder exfoliator and hydraluron moisture jelly
hydraluron moisture jelly brought to you by Indeed Labs, this ultimate daily use topical moisture protector with a unique jelly formula help leave our skin soft, supple and more radiant than ever before.
hydraluron moisture jelly suits all type of skin, provide instant and long-term locked-in moisture to the skin through a sophisticated complex of five key actives, which support the natural protective layer of your skin, helping to restore moisture levels and defending against future lost. WoW .. hydraluron moisture jelly gives your skin double moisture .. current and future.
The key ingredients & benefits :-
Patch20tm :- helps provide immediate and long-lasting moisturisation through a molecular mesh that reduced water evaporation from skin, helping it regain optimal moisture level
Fucogel :- Absorb quickly by skin, Fucogel helps provide long-term binding of water and moisturisation to create a protective film on the skin's surface which defends against transepidermal water loss
Hyaluronic Acid : A high-level hydrating substances that holds up to 1000 times its weight in water. It acts as the utimate drink for your skin, resulting in longer-lasting feeling of softness, plumpness and hydration.
Hydraluron moisture jelly is free of paraben, oil, fragrance and colouring.
No harsh abrasives and free of weird chemicals.
Misz-ella dah try hydraluron jelly moisture ini hampir 3 minggu. Its thick and clear in colour. Its quite sticky when first applied but it will quickly absorb deeply inside your skin leaving your skin feel moisturize. Mula-mula je rasa melekit sikit lepas tu dah ok. I like the pumping tube. Biasanya Misz-ella akan gunakan 2 pam, baru cukup untuk satu muka i yang bulat ni. Hehe. It really gives a moisturize effect .. kulit langsung tak ketat dan kering malah lebih lembap dan lembut. Disebabkan Misz-ella tak guna Toner, i applied hydraluron moisture jelly direct to my skin immediately after cleansing then baru yang lain-lain. Mula-mula pakai macam tak serasi but after a while i can see the good effect of this jelly moisture on my skin. Kulit tak rasa ketat tapi rasa lembut dan lembap. Ingat ye readers .. moisture is a key for a wellbeing and healthy skin. So if you are facing a dry skin problem, perhaps you should try hydraluron jelly moisturiser.
hydraluron jelly moisturiser berhargar RM99/30ml dan boleh didapati di Muse by Watsons Sunway Pyramid dan Watsons Suria KLCC.
Powder exfoliator
First time heard about Powder exfoliator, i asked the Product Consultant .. Is it a scrub? and powder? How to use? And the answer received make me excited to try. I started to look into the ingredients :-
Made from bamboo extract, rice bran powder, pineapple enzymes, okinawa red algae and hyluronic acid. Powder exfoliator remove dead skin cells, unclog pores and promotes cell renewal as it cleanses, giving you an instantly glowing refreshed complexion and skin that feels deeply clean and hydrated. Powder exfoliator juga memberi pengelupasan jangka panjang yang mensasarkan pada garis-garis halus, kedutan dan titik hitam di muka.
The key ingredients & benefits :-
Bamboo extract : Ekstrak buluh halus yang kaya dengan silika terkenal dengan keupayaan menentang kedutan.
Rice bran powder : Used by Japanese for centuries. Ia bertindak mengekalkan kelembutan kulit, mengelupas secara halus dan perlahan bagi mengelakkan kedutan, menyembuhkan jerawat, menyerap kotoran serta lebihan minyak dari liang memberikan pembersihan unggul dan melembutkan kulit.
Pineapple enzymes : natural juice found in the pineapple stem, bromelain adalah campuran enzim yang amat berkesan untuk membuang sel-sel kulit mati secara perlahan-lahan. Bersifat anti-radang, membantu membuka liang-liang yang tersumbat dan mengurangkan keradangan yang disebabkan oleh pengumpulan kotoran pada permukaan kulit.
Okinawa red algae : berkhasiat ultra untuk kulit, bahan semula jadi ini adalah satu sumber penting daripada beterhelin yang membantu menggalakkan fungsi kulit dan meningkatkan pengekalan lembapan.
Hyaluronic acid :bahan sangat menghidratkan serta berupaya menyimpan sehingga 1000 kali beratnya dalam air, hyaluronic acid di dalam powdered exfoliator ini memastikan kulit sentiasa lebih lembut dan licin dengan setiap penggunaan.
Cara-cara menggunakan :- Campurkan serbuk powder exfoliator dengan sedikit air sehingga ia berbuih dan ratakan di seluruh muka, elakkan bahagian mata. Bilas dan lapkan. Sesuai untuk kegunaan harian bagi semua jenis kulit. When applied to your skin, you boleh rasa bijik-bijik lembut dan halus sedang bekerja kuat membuang daki-daki di muka.
Tips :-
Kita boleh menentukan sendiri tahap pengelupasan yang dikehendaki dengan mengawal jumlah air yang diperlukan.
If you want a face cleanser which exfoliates mildly and gently while cleansing daily, i would recommend powder exfoliator. Sangat lembut dan langsung tidak menyakitkan kulit. It gives an instant bright shine too.
Facial powdered exfoliator berharga RM89/75gm dan boleh didapati di Muse by Watson, Sunway Pyramid dan Watsons : Suria KLCC atau secara online di watsons.com.my atau Facebook watsons di facebook.com/MusebyWatsons
Nampak menarik gila.
Tapi harga dia menangis jugaklah.
Gorgeous, babe!
menarik ni...SA xde lagi specific product utk guna...
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