Hello readers.
Selamat Hari Raya. Yes we are now approaching last few days of Raya. Dah nak berakhir bulan Syawal, kan.
Tahun 2016 ni Misz-ella paling kurang beraya ~ too busy with my work loads and receiving guests and managed to visit only a few houses .. rumah Sellina Dato Yeop, rumah Fiza my best friend, rumah Datin Tatie kat Seremban. Thats all.
When I received the invitation from Puan Sri Sabrina Syed for Tanah Aina Fahad's Raya Open House, I was excited but Aiman was more excited than me, actually.
When I received the invitation from Puan Sri Sabrina Syed for Tanah Aina Fahad's Raya Open House, I was excited but Aiman was more excited than me, actually.
Aiman adalah antara orang yang teringin sangat nak ke Tanah Aina Fahad Resort. Dia tak puas-puas memuji kecantikan Tanah Aina Fahad Resort tiap kali dia melihatnya di 'laptop' Misz-ella. Ma, kita bercuti kat Tanah Aina je lah .. but his mom is always busy, tak da masa nak bercuti. Anyway, this is one of my favourite spot at Tanah Aina Fahad Resort. Kalau you all datang ke Fahad, jangan lupa merenung hutan dari sudut ini. You will love it *like me*
OhMyGod .. it was so sweet I could returned to my favourite Tanah Aina Fahad Resort again. I love Fahad cos it is pure, wild and friendly. I might look too modern with my blonde hair and short skirt but I have a different kind of soul. Hutan-hutan hijau ni memang jiwa Misz-ella lah .. bila kat Fahad tenang je rasa jiwa. Tak tau kenapa.
The clean, cold river
I was suprised when he said Aiman dah standby baju dalam kereta, mama. Sorry sayang .. I have a lot of paperwork that need my touch .. we cant overnight here *sad* Finally he said .. tak pe lah .. Aiman dah dapat celup kaki kat sini pun Aiman dah happy dah. OK .. masa ni Misz-ella rasa sedih sebab tak dapat tunaikan permintaan dia nak menghayati Fahad dengan lebih lama. We will return to this place, sayang *promised*
Aiman jarang nak ambik gambar macam ni tau Mama tapi tempat ni cantik sangat dan bersih lah ma .. air dia jernih sangat. Yes .. it is. Sebab tu mama jatuh cinta. Asli dan semulajadi. Tak da pencemaran kat sini. Tak da langsung.
The big banquet hall ~ the venue for the Tanah Aina Fahad's Open House.
Some of the guests
Some of the guests
*pic credit to Women's Sports and Fitness Foundation Malaysia FB*

The super friendly people of PEKA
*pic credit to Women's Sports and Fitness Foundation Malaysia*
Met the lovely Pam again and Corrin and new friends too. I had a nice chat with them till I didn't really eat. On the way home they said "Makanan sedap-sedap ma .. Nasi Beriyani, Nasi Lemak, Kuey tiaw, Rendang ayam dan daging .. semua sedap. I was ...... *ruginyaaaaa .. *
Our lovely host, Puan Sri Shariffa Sabrina. As usual, Puan Sri walaupun penat dan tak kira jumpa di mana, layanan tetap mesra. *pic credit to Daniel Wong's FB*
It was a pleasure meeting Siti Kasim, the activist who fight for Orang Asli. Tanpa orang-orang seperti Siti, nasib Orang Asli siapa la peduli, kan.
The sweet Bazlinda. I still remember met her for the first time during my trip to Ho Chi Minh City. Tengah shopping tiba-tiba terjumpa orang Malaysia. We quickly became friends and had lunch together. Returned to Malaysia, we still contact each other. That was so many years ago. Bazlinda is the first person who introduced me to PEKA. Nanti LIKE FB PEKA ye kak Ella .. nanti datang Event PEKA ye. Can you come to our Press Conference and write about us, Kak Ella? To be honest masa tu my info about PEKA is almost zero tapi Baz rajin update me and finally i visited PEKA's FB, learned and try to understand PEKA's mission and their fight to protect the environment. Bazlinda adalah orang pertama yang memperkenalkan Misz-ella kepada PEKA dan penaungnya, Puan Sri Shariffa Sabrina dan PEKA telah benar-benar membuka mata Misz-ella tentang pentingnya kita menjaga khazanah alam itu bersama. Friendship can be more meaningful if we share the same thought and walk it together, right.

It was a pleasure meeting Siti Kasim, the activist who fight for Orang Asli. Tanpa orang-orang seperti Siti, nasib Orang Asli siapa la peduli, kan.

Dr. Norzalifah and her husband, Kalam Pie. Misz-ella suka tengok pasangan suami isteri ini berjuang atas landasan yang sama.
*pic credit to Daniel Wong's FB*
Makan di tengah hutan sambil menikmati udara segar dan pemandangan menghijau alam semulajadi is so heaven *love*
*pic credit to Women's Sports and Fitness Foundation Malaysia*
*pic credit to Women's Sports and Fitness Foundation Malaysia*
I think I forgot to mention that Puan Sri is good in baking. Whenever Misz-ella ke Tanah Aina Cafe di Shah Alam *read my review about the food here* dia suka jamu kami dengan her 'homemade cake' and her cake is so good.

The Durian Fest

They really enjoyed the durian. Lemak manis .. sedap.
We spent almost 3 hours at Tanah Aina Fahad Resort during the open house and made our way back to Kuala Lumpur in the evening. Thank you so much Puan Sri Sabrina for having us. That was one of the sweet lovely Raya Get-Together that we had in the beautiful nature of Tanah Aina Fahad Resort. Terima Kasih Banyak-banyak.
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