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Tips cantik dengan Clinique #3steps for healthy radiant skin

Hello beautiful readers ..

This sharing is about the new Clinique 3 steps skincare range yang Misz-ella guna since early July this year. Well .. since I always love to share with my lovely readers .. apa-apa yang baik dan bagus haruslah dikongsi bersama.

The full set of Clinique 3 steps skincare range ~ The liquid facial soap, clarifying lotion 2 and moisturizing lotion 

Seperti biasa, cuci muka dua kali sehari .. and for me sometimes more than twice sebab Misz-ella kan selalu pergi Gym so haruslah membersihkan muka berkali-kali. Take a pump of Clinique liquid facial soap apply to your whole face *I would like to recommend double cleanse to remove the dirt away* I mean cuci dua kali *hehe*

I love any kind of skincare that exfoliate the dead cell on our skin. Sebab kan, sel-sel mati kat muka kita akan membuatkan kulit kita kusam dan tidak berseri. What I love about Clinique Clarifying lotion 2 *which act like a Toner too* is it exfoliate *mengelupas/membuang* sel-sel mati di muka kita menjadikan kulit kita lebih berseri hari demi hari tanpa kita sedari.

Moisturizing lotion
Lepas dah segarkan kulit, haruslah kita pastikan kulit sentiasa lembab dengan menggunakan 'moisturizing lotion' ini. We hate dry skin, right. Kulit kalau terlalu kering hanya akan mempercepatkan proses penuaan .. garis kedut senang kelihatan dan kulit kelihatan sangat tak sihat. Untuk kulit Misz-ella, this Clinique moisturizing lotion + sangat berkesan. Pergi mana-mana pun kawan puji kulit I cukup moist dan tiada kedut di muka *auwwww .. suka gila*

And the Champion is *the most favourite* the Clinique Clarifying lotion 2. I love how this lotion exfoliate my skin .. mildly and gently. With Clinique Clarifying lotion 2, everyday is a smiling day as I can see my skin condition improve *so happy*

Clinique skincare products are available at all leading Mall in Malaysia *I bought in from Pavilion branch* The price is not so pricey. You all, cubalah. Jom cantik sama-sama jom.