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Jom Gaya Hidup Sihat ~ Makan dan Exercise

Another chapter of my exercise diary .. hidup Misz-ella camni la .. kalau tak kerja, exercise. Kalau tak kat Event kat Gym. Tu je la tempat...

20's, 30's, 40's, 50's ~Tua nya kita.

Hai. Good Morning readers.  Assalamualaikum.  Selamat datang Isnin.  Hello Monday .. Please be kind to us and be a good start of the week, k.

I think a lot lately and wanna share with you here. Masa bergerak pantas. Masa tak tunggu kita dan bersesuaian dengan pergerakan masa itu makin meningkat umur kita. Makin meningkat umur, makin tua kita. Whenever i am in the Bloggers activity, i was always the eldest or yang paling tua di antara mereka. Good thing is, they welcome and accepted me with an open heart. Misz-ella tak pernah rasa terpinggir malah diterima seolah i sebaya dan se umur dengan mereka. Mungkin karakter Misz-ella itu sendiri yang memudahkan komunikasi antara kita .. perhaps i blend myself very well in whatever ages and races .. perhaps my way of thinking make it easier for me in communication. Yeahh .. perhaps.

Looking backwards, apa perubahan dalam diri kita seiring dengan peningkatan usia? For me, paling ketara ialah kebijaksanaan mengawal emosi,  kewarasan akal fikiran dalam menangani konflik, persoalan dan perbalahan. Tapi emosi .. ada masa tak terkawal .. terutamanya bila graf hormon bulan nak datang tinggi, ... aduhaiii .. Why suddenly i am not me? OK that is exceptional cos untuk seorang wanita yang subur dan sihat *haha* katanya itu normal so please excuse or forgive me for the non behaviour attitude. I'm so sensitive during that time lah .. sikit tercuit terus terguris. Ampun, maaf buat hati-hati yang telah dilukai.

Back to the topic berkaitan Penuaan .. i always enjoy meeting people at all ages but i found people who are older than me are more special and interesting. I enjoy listening to their stories, experiences, knowledge. They have gone through what we have not. 

Life is always great tak kira pada peringkat apa and should be greatest as you grow older.  I dont like when people think this way .. Alaa Kita dah tua ... dah tak berharga or Kita dah tua tak payah la buat benda-benda tu lagi. That is a wrong way of thinking.  Human circle of life change bersesuaian dengan peredaran masa dan saya percaya kita tetap istimewa pada setiap masa itu. 

When you are a teenager you are sweet and attractive. You are cheeky, naughty, your mind thinks nothing other than fun. When you are 20's and 30's you started to change. Perhaps you are now starting your career life, you meet more people, you learned more ..  exchange your thoughts in different way and environment. You start to think of directions in life .. you focus on the direction and actually you started to collect points and experiences which will change you. You are in the making of your true personality at this age actually.

At the age of 40 .. Wow this is me. I am forty plus two this year. Yeahhh .. this is the real me. I was made of the molecules which i collected at the age of 20's and 30's .. i formed the recipe together and i made myself by combining it and heyyy .. this is the real me. Thank you for molecules *experiences and knowledge*. Thank you for the bittersweet moments. I am very happy that i am here with the help of the molecules. I never feel i am old dan tidak berharga. I never feel 40's stopping me than doing what i like all this while. I still go for exercise, i still watch movie, i still hang-out with my friends once a while, I still enjoy meeting people .. I am still me. In the other words, i still love myself and appreciate my life more at 40's.

OK jom tengok 50's and above. Bertuah nya mereka kerana berada di status 'Emas' itu. Hello friends *waving right hand* i want to be there too.  In Sha Allah panjang umur dan dengan izin Dia, i will be there in 8 years time. Red carpet for me, please. Hehe. Rasanya ini lah umur yang paling diingini oleh kita semua ~ 50an dan seterusnya. Untuk kebanyakan manusia, sudah lengkap hidup mereka. Keluarga dah bertambah besar, ekonomi dah stabil *EPF tuuuuu .. haha* .. housing, car loan settled.  Mana-mana pergi, kita dihormati kerana 'seniority. Sapa kata makin tua makin tak berharga, kan. Makin tua makin mahal dan berharga sebenarnya kerana pengalaman, pengetahuan mereka lebih mahal dari yang muda. They had gone through what we have not in life. Memang ramai yang suka berkata ~ Macam ni la kalau dah tua .. penyakit dah macam-macam datang. Hello kakak dan abang .. God is fair. Tuhan tak pernah membenci, menghukum atau mendiskriminasikan kita kerana tua. Penyakit datang tak kira umur sebenarnya. Some people born with heart problem, some people had critical disease at early ages, some dead at young age. Tak kira umur, kan. Jangan benci diri sendiri or rasa rendah diri kerana tua. Humans are always special at all ages. Atuk bongkok 3 pun tetap istimewa di hati Misz-ella .. tak percaya pergi borak dekat dia .. pergi dengar cerita dia .. they have something that we dont and those stories will amazed us, right.

Ok Dah. Panjang cerita pagi Isnin ni, kan. Misz-ella nak pergi buat kerja lain dah. Ok Bye. Thank you baca bebelan saya. Selamat minggu baru, kawan-kawan. Byeee.


mamabeauty said...

wow you tak nampak 40 plus two pun..

Mieza Everdeen said...

hai kak ella, saya twenties plus three this year XD rindu kak ella!

Ita Rossi said...

zaman skrg tua umur hanya pada angka je. kalau kesihatn terjaga mmg awet muda. k ita yg dah nak keluar EPF thn ni pun org x percaya kalau tgk rupa. (nak kata awet muda lah tu..hihihi)

zino said...

Menarik entri ni... tahun depan saya bakal menjangkau keperingkat usia lebih tinggi.. mudah2an panjang umur dan sihat tubuh badan...