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Jom Gaya Hidup Sihat ~ Makan dan Exercise

Another chapter of my exercise diary .. hidup Misz-ella camni la .. kalau tak kerja, exercise. Kalau tak kat Event kat Gym. Tu je la tempat...

Ladies Bedtime Story

Satu selimut, satu bantal, katil yang sama.
Good nite. Bye. Jangan percaya sebab after 5 minutes i started to talk again and finally we only slept when it is almost 3 pagi.
Besoknya drive like mata kena guna tongkat sebab tak larat nak angkat. Haha.

Seronok dikelilingi kesayangan yang punya kepala yang sama .. minat yang sama. OK jom kayuh. Its good if you could workout in a team .. helping and supporting each other facing the tough. We are newbie in weight training so its not easy .. berkerut muka mengerah kudrat dan tenaga. I could be the weakest among us but its ok .. i will try my best to strengthen myself. Work hard Ella. Dont give up. You can do it *motivasi diri*

Tq Darling for helping with my nail polish. Kebetulan sama pulak ketibaan 'bulan' kita. Hehe. But this colour is to sexy for me. Terlalu menonjol. Like attention seeker delivering message ohhh pleasee look at me. Takmau. Lepas ni takmau pakai kaler ni cos it doesn't suits my personality.

OK dah terlalu lewat .. masa untuk tido. Jangan lupa berdoa yang baik-baik sebelum tido ye. Thank you for reading my bedtime story. Bye.