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Jom Gaya Hidup Sihat ~ Makan dan Exercise

Another chapter of my exercise diary .. hidup Misz-ella camni la .. kalau tak kerja, exercise. Kalau tak kat Event kat Gym. Tu je la tempat...

Kingsman : The Secret Service, Laksa Sarawak

Hai .. Hello readers.

Misz-ella watched Kingsman : The Secret Service over the weekend. Best filem ni. I love the movie Script. I love the beautiful oldies song ..."nanananana .. Baby Give it up .. give it up .. baby give it up .. " *dah menyanyi pulak kau, Ella .. haha*. You guys go and check 'Give It Up by KC & The Sunshine Band' on You Tube and enjoy the Song, k .. and dont forget .. Money for Nothing by Dire Straits. Haha .. nampak betul Misz-ella orang lama, kan.

Extra best cos we watched it at the Indulge Cinema .. the most expensive luxury cinema by Tgv and its only available at 1Utama. Triple best cos its FOC. Thanks Tgv for the Air Force One Pass. Read more about my experienced with Indulge here.

Sambil minum my favorite Long Black Coffee. Among the 2 buttons on the table, i preferred the Call Button .. not the Bill Button. Haha.

Back to Kingsman .. yeahh we really enjoyed the movie, eventhough there are times where i have to closed my eyes with the blanket. Aku benci lah tengok keganasan. Tak suka tengok orang lawan-lawan. Saya pencinta keamanan. Hehe. Misz-ella tak nak cerita panjang-panjang nanti tak surprise la kan but this movie is highly recommended by me. So movie lovers, lets check the movie schedule for Kingsman : The Secret Service, k.

Last weekend also Misz-ella ate Laksa Sarawak. Lama tak makan Laksa Sarawak and the one served in Kaya Kopitiam is quite nice tapi sayang tak ada Udang besar. Nak udang!! *sobs* sedih tak da udang. Saya peminat udang even tak suka kopek kulit udang sendiri. Haha. By the way, Terima Kasih Encik yang budiman for the meal. Ok Bye .. Misz-ella nak pegi buat kerja lain. Thanks baca. Bye.


Aqilah Azmi said...

dapnye yg bawah tu hihi
kingsman ramai kata best T_T
nk tengok gak tapi em em hihi

Chekgu Azrine said...

rin belum makan lagi kak..
terliur tgk makanan hat bawah tuh..

morning sis..sihat?

Kniedaz said...

baca entry kc terus buka youtube dengar lagu n tgk trailer kingsman...menarik..boleh p tgk ni

Farah Deeb said...

Kite pun sangat nyampah tengok cite lawan-lawan, pfffts... hei lagu tu kan masa zaman kite tadika atau darjah satu, dua ke gitu lah haha.. ingat sebab mase tu TV3 baru on air dan rancangan feveret kakak ialah cite yg nyanyi2 omputeh tu (tak ingat dah nama) So slalu la kena layan tgk tv ngan dia sampai boleh ingat lagu tu hahaha... Jemput Singgah: D.A: Kambing Bakar & Salad siap dalam 15 min jek!

Misz-ella said...

@Aqilah Azmi ..

Tak cukup umo ehhh .. hihi

Misz-ella said...

@Chekgu Azrine,

Alhamdulillah sehat.

Misz-ella said...

@Kniedaz, hope u enjoy, k ..

Unknown said...

salam kenal dari kaknoor MIsz..
sedapnya laksa serawak, belum pernah buat tapi pernah makan hehee