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Friday Food Hunting - Okomoni Sushi

Hello Hai Readers ...

We went for a Food Hunting again over the Weekend. This is an unplanned Food Hunting. We are supposed to be fill with other foods but we end up leaving the Cafe with a tummy which needs to be fill. Kesian kitorang. Hurmmm .. one day i cerita ye. 

So we went to Okonomi Sushi for another round of makan. Okonomi Sushi, a very nice Japanese Restaurant which allow you to customize your own Sushi. Choose your rice base .. brown or white rice? Seaweed wrap of Soy wrap? It was quite fun watching my friends chosing their ingredients following the steps given in the Menu Order Form. Varieties of fillings, toppings and sauces are available in the Menu.

The Health Nut - RM15.90
Salmon, Brown rice Sushi chosed by me and Elana. We just chosed anything ready in the Menu. Too lazy to think!! Hehe. This Sushi is seriously nice and very healthy. 

Dragon Roll - RM22.90 chosen by Puteri. Fried prawn sushi with cucumber, avocado on the top and this is sooo yummy!!

Customized Okonomi Sushi Small -  RM15.90 by Arpita. She chosed Teriyaki Chicken with Wasabe Sauce and Sesame on the top. If you are a Wasabe lover, then this could be a good Recipe for you but surely not for me. I dont like Wasabe but .. I am a fan of Ginger pickles. Habis dorang punya i sapu. Hehe.

Okonomi Sushi Small RM15.90 chosen by Anis and Carol. This is so good. I think Sushi Maker should be a perfect Profession for both Anis and Carol. Haha. I dont remember what they chosed but the cheese on top of the Sushi is really a good idea.

Soft Shell Crab Pasta - RM16.90. Sangat berpatutan lah harga dia.

what's your roll - A tagline for Okonomi. Sushi lovers .. Create your own Sushi recipe here. Interesting, huh? Okonomi Sushi is located at Publika, Solaris Dutamas, Kuala Lumpur. So Sushi Lovers .. apa lagi .. Jom cipta Resepi Sushi kita sendiri di Okonomi.


Anis Farhana said...

Pro sushi maker?
Ha, I'm open for hire! xoxo

elanakhong said...

Yummy.... Let's go again sometime 😊

Anonymous said...

sushi adalah makan yg bai, simple dan sedap

Auntie Lilly FollowMeToEatLa said...

Glad you like Okonomi - DIY Sushi restaurant. I enjoyed my dining experience very much.. each & every time I ate there.

Remember to check out the Macha desserts too on your next visit!

Suria Amanda said...

soft shell crab pasta tu buat SA terliur..tp bab makanan kat atas tu SA x leh makan...heheheh