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Jom Gaya Hidup Sihat ~ Makan dan Exercise

Another chapter of my exercise diary .. hidup Misz-ella camni la .. kalau tak kerja, exercise. Kalau tak kat Event kat Gym. Tu je la tempat...

Fresh To Go ~ Express way to feed my tummy

Hello readers ..

This Entry is about 'Makan'. Well .. I know you like it. Entry 'makan-makan' is one of my blog readers favourite. Entry 'makan-makan' always win your heart, kan.

I went to 7 eleven quite often .. its an express convenient shop that has all my needs .. at anytime 24 hours a day. ATM machine ada, Top-Up Telco pun ada. Very convenient *I like*

My latest finding in the 7 eleven was Fresh to Go express Food. Having a life like an 'amazing race' .. I had a pack schedule, sometimes I do not have enough time to prepare my food. I woke up, get ready and quickly .. zassss .. to my appointment. Or could it because of I feel its not worth to cook since I was alone at home during daytime. So stepping inside 7 eleven in the early morning and spotted this Sandwich Chicken Cajun is like .. Hey You .. You will be safely landed in my tummy, soon! LOL!

I brought home this Chicken Cajun Sandwich and started to work on my blog while enjoying it. Paired it with a cup of 3 in 1 Coffee. To be honest I don't really enjoy ready made food, Sandwich especially. I think its not fresh but this delicious Fresh To Go Sandwich does not upset me. The bread is fresh and soft and the filling (chicken sandwich) was perfectly mix, not dry and juicy. Well .. Its nice! *tummy very happy*

Suddenly, Fresh to Go become a favourite in my family. It is always seen on the dining table. Grab a piece or two *if you are in a rush and do not have time to sit, relax and enjoy it* put it in your Carrier bag and enjoy it at anytime of the day .. *like what my son did*

The Sardine bun is delicious lah. The bun is soft, the filling has a good taste.  

Muka puashati sebab this Sardine bun made my tummy happy .. LOL!

Fresh to Go is definitely a perfect choice for those who are always busy or had a life like an 'amazing race' like me. I always 'on-the-go' .. rushing and travelling from one location to another .. either to kick-start my day, or at the moment that I need a 'carbo loading' to recharge my energy .. its Fresh to Go! 

I realised they had 'butter cake' too .. Fruit cake .. Marble cake .. can't wait to visit 7 eleven to try it. I love butter cake!

Readers, for those who have not try Fresh to Go product, i suggest you try it. For those who want more information about the Fresh to Go, visit http://www.7eleven.com.my/

So Jom! lets step into the 7eleven for Fresh to Go. If you like it too .. kita geng *Gimme 5 *tampar skrin sendiri* Haha.


cindyrina said...

Senang ar lepas ni breakfast boleh gi grab kat 7 Eleven je.