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Jom Gaya Hidup Sihat ~ Makan dan Exercise

Another chapter of my exercise diary .. hidup Misz-ella camni la .. kalau tak kerja, exercise. Kalau tak kat Event kat Gym. Tu je la tempat...

Italian Risotto. Exercise - Kickboxing, Aqua Dance, Run.

The day that I felt so weak and he fed me with yummy food which at first i refused to eat.

But then this plate of Italian Risotto really made me energize. Sihat bertenaga lepas makan padahal sebelum tu beria-ia tak nak.

Exercise with my bestfriend Leoniel Dg. Pushing myself to the max .. I break my own record when Leg Press weight increased to 90kg. Yeszz .. tak sangka Misz-ella rupa nya sangat kuat.

Lepas kena lenjan kat Gym masih bertenaga dan boleh merayap lagi. Exercise is fun. Bersenam dapat menyegarkan tubuh badan. Badan lebih sihat dan segar selepas bersenam.

Martial Arts & Kickboxing class ~ I learnt a new thing today. Cant wait to explore more.

After Kickboxing, I joined the Aqua Zumba Class. Dancing in the water .. in the swimming pool to be exact .. not easy. I didnt give the best. Hope to give more on the next class.

Kickboxing and Aqua Zumba memang menyakitkan badan. Few times Misz-ella jatuh masa kat kelas Kickboxing but I had Fun! Never stop moving so kita sambung exercise the next day dengan berlari di Taman.

Ololo .. comelnya Aiman. Aku rasa aku sangat bertuah. Aiman walau dah 20 tahun, masih suka bertemankan Mama nya walau ke mana-mana. Thanks Allah for this 'rezeki'. Walau tak kaya anak macam yang lain-lain .. tetap bersyukur dan bahagia.

The park is so lovely. I said We jog. Aiman said Run Mama .. Run! And yes .. kita lari 3 round. 

Then we continued swimming. 

No matter what happened in your life, Keep On Moving. My life is not easy but I'm loving it. The exercise wasn't easy but I enjoyed it. Saya nak sentiasa sihat dan bersemangat. Demi dia .. dia dan dia. Saya nak jadi kuat. Demi kesayangan saya. Moga Allah kekalkan momentum ini. Moga Allah permudahkan segala urusan dan perjalanan hidup kami.

So kawan-kawan, jom kita bersenam. You can exercise with your love one too *like me*. Extra Fun!