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Jom Gaya Hidup Sihat ~ Makan dan Exercise

Another chapter of my exercise diary .. hidup Misz-ella camni la .. kalau tak kerja, exercise. Kalau tak kat Event kat Gym. Tu je la tempat...

Follow The Flow. 29 Oct's story.

Orang kata in life we just have to follow the flow
I even advised some friends to do so
But i am diverting my flow to a different direction

Kelas Aerodance malam ni ala-ala 'clubbing' .. Hijau, biru, merah, kuning lampu disco sebab lampu sebelah sana rosak. Today i dance with Emi .. my blog reader who get inspired to exercise after reading my Entry. Yeayy .. saya suka mengajak blog reader mengamalkan gaya hidup sehat. Congratulations Emi and the gang .. good to see you datang lagi dan lagi .. and good to see muka-muka baru menari di Lantai tari, bakal pengganti kami satu hari nanti.  Seronok tengok 'stamina level' emi dah meningkat. Asalkan kita tak 'give up' mencabar diri, kita akan sentiasa berpeluang memperbaiki tahap kemampuan. Percayalah.

Haha .. Mana Misz-ella? Ooo dia tukang ambik gambar.  Masa nak start cooling down mum whatsapp "Call your sister now".  Maka Saya yang menurut perintah pun mematuhi but my mood swing after one phone call so i busy snapping photos and singing ...

Every time you touch me
I become a hero
I'll make you safe no matter where you are
And bring you
Everything you ask for
Nothing is above me
I'm shining like a candle in the dark
When you tell me that you love meeee
In the world without youuu
I will always hunger
All i need is your love
To make me strongerrrrr ..

My forever ever favorite love song from the late Whitney Houston. Misz-ella pantang dengar lagu sedap ... mesti nak nyanyi padahal suara tah apa-apa. Haha.

Nampak hepi ke? Walhal dalam hati ada banyak rasa. My brother admitted in CCU .. i am facing a big challenge next month .. dalam hati ada sikit nervous and scared but i always positive - In Sha Allah .. everything is ok .. everything will be fine. My darling said i sangat tabah dan kuat. Hidup kena kuat .. takkan nak bawak emo ke mana-mana? Takkan kerana cabaran kehidupan hidup jadi gundah gulana? I had more things to do rather than melayan emosi. This morning pergi KL, balik Sg. Buloh ambik Mama bawak gi Hospital pukul 3 gue balik. Korang fikir i tidur siang rehatkan diri yang penat tu ke? Oppss sori i'm not tidur siang type .. macam-macam i buat dari petang tu before i vroomm to my aero class. Alhamdulillah for today, everything was good. Everything at my favour .. semua orang yang dijumpa beri kerjasama. Alhamdulillah. Today my S3 yang dah 'kong' since few weeks ago is back.  Ya Allah hepinya .. i sayang benda-benda yang ada sentimental value ni.  Ada sesetengah benda tak boleh ditukar ganti dalam hidup ni and my S3 is one of it. Hepi la harini.  Rasa nak menari ballet macam si Pari-pari.  Echewah .. over!! Hehe.

Two days ago i played with the brush. Wohooo i did smokey eyes then Selfie. Makaihh buruknya muka bila bedak bertepek .. tu pasal i always say NO to bedak. So unnatural my face bila bermekap full set. Lagi bagus muka kau togel la Ella .. bukannya lawa pun kau bermekap-mekap. Bahahaha *gelak jahat ala Uncle Gedek*

29th Oct gone already and opsss .. with 4 digits quotation for Blogging job which i have to submit a.s.a.p. 30hb nak pegi Kuala Selangor lagi .. this 4 days memang kerjanya asyik ukur jalan. Dari Kuang ke Petaling, then Kuala Selangor then Kuala Lumpur then Kuala Selangor again then here then there. I suddenly miss bercuti-cuti. Life is so pack with activities.  OK tak pe .. bulan depan if i tak da sini, cari i di oversea. Lokasi? Rahsia. Hehe.

OK bye but please come again cos my Draft Entry is full of stories for my beloved Blog Reader.  Ada cerita Artis Baru, ada cerita Artis Popular .. ada cerita about green .. ada cerita about Minah Vespa kaler Pink .. ada cerita tentang Makan .. ada cerita tentang beg kepit. Banyak ooo cerita nak share dengan korang so pleaseee come again ye. Ok this time betul-betul Bye. Byeeeeee.


Anonymous said...

mg semua nyer ok yer KC !..

Shaliza Aziz said...

Best join kelas zumba mcm tu. Ni selalu zumba kat umah tp cepat bosan :)

Chekgu Azrine said...

Semoga dipermudahkab urusan kakcik ye..

Kekzamanis said...

Kak Ella ada kelebihan natural beauty la kak.. Bare face akak without makeup is so cantik.. Ni bukan puji bodek tau (takde ape pun yg nk dibodek).. Tapi puji ikhlas.. Nak fit & berstamina macam akak jugak.. Dah lama tak berexercise.. Kejang abis dah urat2 ni ha.. Huhu..
Rosmiza Ali Official Blog™

Kniedaz said...

Suka tgk kc tanpa mekap..nampak flawless je muka