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Jom Gaya Hidup Sihat ~ Makan dan Exercise

Another chapter of my exercise diary .. hidup Misz-ella camni la .. kalau tak kerja, exercise. Kalau tak kat Event kat Gym. Tu je la tempat...

Makin Lama Makin Cinta

Pernah rasa macam tu tak? Makin lama, makin sayang dan makin cinta. This is what i felt now .. Misz-ella ni loyal/setia sangat orang nya kot.

 Fixing my SUV .. kadang-kadang geram, tapi yang lebihnya sayang .. the more i said i want to change you, the more i fall in love with you. Makin lama makin cinta pada dia. How to let you go, my SUV dear?
Attending invitation from the Ambassador last week. Makin lama makin cinta with my bloggings. Blogging menemukan saya dengan produk-produk hebat dunia, blogging menjalinkan ukhuwah sesama insan. Blogging juga membuatkan saya dapat berinteraksi dengan my blog reader. Thank you for coming, readers  

 One of this shoes is mine ... cuba teka Misz-ella punya kaler apa?

 One of the event me and the company organised minggu lepas and I am sure the candidates are now excited for the result. Makin lama makin cinta with my career .. makin cinta with my TP family. I hope i can contribute more here.

I brought Aiman to the Embassy event last week. Makin lama dia makin faham why his mother love blogging so much. Makin lama dia makin jatuh cinta dengan apa yang mak dia buat dan kerjakan. Our life are filled with colours my dear. Gifts/contribution come in a lot of ways and this is what God gave me - a colourful life. Alhamdulillah. Ok .. i'm done sharing some thots with you here. Misz-ella baru balik dari Workshop, now nak bersiap ke Event 'lip lap lip lap'. Esok pulak ada meeting tentang kerja. Byeee.


Unknown said...

jatuh ngan dengan blog memang bagus..dapat banyak peluang and kenalan kan