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Jom Gaya Hidup Sihat ~ Makan dan Exercise

Another chapter of my exercise diary .. hidup Misz-ella camni la .. kalau tak kerja, exercise. Kalau tak kat Event kat Gym. Tu je la tempat...

Malam Ni Makcik Menari

I was having a hectic start of the week.
Woke up at 4:30am on Monday morning and arrived KL Sentral at 6:30am. Destination :- Puteri Harbour, Johor Bahru. Mission :- Time.Together Campaign by Puteri Harbour. OK I will talk detail about this Campaign on my next entry.

Meanwhile, lets enjoy another Chapter of my exercise Diary ~ Tuesday 19 January 2016 ~ Malam Ni Makcik Menari.

Arrived Sg. Buloh from Johor Bahru mission at 6:30pm. Thanks kepada mereka-mereka yang terlibat dengan Trip ini included my family who sent and fetch me to KL Sentral. I love you, family. Sampai je Sg. Buloh, terus ke rumah Mama. I love mom's house. Mom's house is everyones house. Balik ke rumah mama memang dapat jumpa semua orang lah cos all my family members are there *double happy*

Makan, lepak, gelak, main dengan kucing *mom have 6 new kittens!* then I wanted to go back. Mom said .. Ehhh .. tak tidur sini ke? Emmmm .. mom is always the sweetest person in the world, kan. Mom's love are always the best love in the world. I love you Mom but I have to go .. malam ni Kakchik ada exercise .. next time I sleep here, k ~ I hugged, kissed her and left.

Logiknya, I am supposed to be tired but I wasn't. I went to the Dance Studio happily. Control your mind friends .. remember I said ~ our mind control our body. If you have a strong mind like me .. there you are ~ Pagi di JB, arrived KL Sentral at 3pm, had lunch and went to another event, arrived mom's home at 6:30pm, arrived my house at 8:30pm and at 9:00pm, I arrived the Dance Studio. Malam ni Makcik Ella nak bersenam. Yeayy !!

With Angah, Co-ordinator untuk Magyc Gym Dance Studio ~ Angah lah orang yang akan update semua aktiviti di Magyc Gym Dance Studio. Misz-ella kenal angah dah lama .. 5, 6 years ago, I guess. Angah has improved a lot since she started her exercise. Misz-ella kalau kenang-kenang balik zaman dulu, memang bangga gila dengan pencapaian Angah. Nak jadi macam Angah? No choice .. kena bersenam. Jangan sayang sangat lemak, ok.

Eqynn my favourite Coach. Misz-ella suka Eqynn sebab I dah lama follow dia kot .. or another reason could be because step dia dan instruction dia senang Misz-ella nak faham. So my body pun senang la nak melompat, menendang or whatever sebab instruction clear. Farhana is a new friend that I kenal kat Magyc Gym Studio ni ..She is young, slim and energetic. Boleh tahan ooo stamina dia. 

Kak Saria, Kak Umi dan Kak .. sorry I lupa nama. The best thing about all this Kakak is .. They love exercise .. doesn't matter whatever their ages are or profession are .. What I love about them is their commitment to exercise. I think the most tired spesis in this world is Female. Orang perempuan ni semua dia kena buat .. kena kerja, kena jaga husband, kena jaga anak, kena masak, kena kemas rumah dan disebabkan banyaknya 'kerana' itulah dia kena bersenam. Kerana bersenam akan menjadikan dia wanita yang lebih kuat, lebih bertenaga, lebih segar, lebih gembira dan dah tentu lah manfaat segala 'lebih' itu tempias nya akan dinikmati oleh keluarganya. 

Siapa tak nak isteri yang sentiasa segar dan bertenaga kerana dia rajin exercise?
Anak mana yang tak suka kalau maknya sentiasa segar, tidak lesu dan sentiasa 'good mood' cos exercise release good hormone and make you feel fresher, happier, better and give you a positive mind?
Boss mana yang tak suka bila staff nya sentiasa segar, bertenaga dan sentiasa bersemangat masa bekerja kerana dia rajin bersenam?

Can you see? Can you see how exercise contribute to our life? Can you see now why we love exercise? Can you see why I can't stop exercise since I started almost 20 years ago?

Exercise is fun! Exercise if part of my lifestyle. I love exercise.

Wednesday Afternoon Class ~ 3:30 - 4:30 pm at Magyc Gym Studio. Most of the students who came for the class are the School teachers. Misz-ella join sekali Class ni whenever I'm free .. considering my tight schedule .. Event tak tentu masa .. paperwork banyak nak buat .. saya sedaya upaya menggunakan setiap peluang yang ada untuk bersenam. Selagi sehat, selagi Allah SWT bagi tenaga dan kudrat, selagi Allah SWT bagi rezeki kelapangan masa ... In Sha Allah I will be at the Studio. Misz-ella nak tabik jugak la kat cikgu-cikgu ni. Pagi-pagi dah keluar pergi kerja .. sampai rumah entah pukul berapa .. pukul 3:30 dah di Lantai Tari .. balik rumah nanti .. bersusun kerja menunggu dia orang .. bila masa tah dorang ni rehat. Back to the basic ~ Kalau nak, seribu daya. Kalau tak nak, beribu alasannya. Betul, kan.

Anyway, I had a great fun on both classes .. enjoyed it to the max! I put my full heart and soul during the class .. sepenuh jiwa aku bagi. Menangis lemak dikerjakan Misz-ella. No mercy to you, Fat!

So, readers .. wait no more .. curi lah masa hanya sejam sehari untuk bersenam .. minimum 3 kali seminggu .. bukan sahaja untuk kebaikan diri kita tetapi juga untuk kesayangan kita. Jom kita amalkan gaya hidup sihat dengan bersenam.