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Jom Gaya Hidup Sihat ~ Makan dan Exercise

Another chapter of my exercise diary .. hidup Misz-ella camni la .. kalau tak kerja, exercise. Kalau tak kat Event kat Gym. Tu je la tempat...

Monday, 4 January 2016

Monday 4th January 2016 - The day that i came out from my 'kepompong' after being quiet for quite some time.

Kerja lah. Apa lagi babe.

And that 'kerja' took place at one of the Hi-ends shopping mall in KL - Pavillion.

Baju baru? Nope.
Tingginya kasut .. oh yahh .. I dont like flats.
Rambut new year? Oh Yes. Thanks to Aishah my Hairdresser.
Why your face red? ohh .. kulit saya mengelupas sebab panas.
How are you today? I'm OK. Thanks for that question.

So many questions dan saya jawab dengan sabar dan sejujurnya.
Selagi ada pertanyaan, selagi ada tumpuan dan perhatian .. selagi itulah tandanya masih ada yang prihatin dan sayang pada kita. Well, no doubt certain questions bersifat 'busy body' or any words 'seerti dengannya' but you can judge it by yourself, right. I am lucky being surrounded by loves. Thanks for those attention and loves. Rezeki Allah SWT itu sangat luas dan datang dengan berbagai cara .. bukan 'material' atau wang ringgit semata tetapi juga kasih sayang, perhatian, kelapangan masa, ketenangan fikiran, kawan-kawan yang baik dan sebagainya. Sejujurnya, saya sangat menghargai tiap hari-hari yang saya lalui. 365 days in 2015 was definitely a splendid moments for me and a worth year to remember. 

Those unsettled things in 2014, settled in 2015.
Those that we carry forward to 2016, set a resolution to settle it fast.
 Those sweet moments in 2015 - friendship, relationship, love .. i will remember and carry it till the last.
Those frustration, hurt and lost in 2015 .. are lessons learned and challenges in life. I love and do appreciate it. No hate!

Having a life like riding a roller coaster or life with techno colours ~ I love my life so much. I think not all woman outside there will experience this kind of life. So? I'm the lucky one, right? Hehehe.

And I think one of the best thing in life is when you managed to change the negative things that happened in your life to a positive mode. You might hurt me .. you might hate me .. you might think that I will hate you and forget you for the rest of my life but you are wrong. Cos I am definitely different than you. I dont keep 'black dots' in my heart. In life we spread love not hate. Say No to hate, ok. I reviewed and cleaned my heart to the best that i can. Keep it clean always, positive always and lets move on happily *lalalala .. the lovely bird are singing*

Tak faham? Doesn't matter .. cos this is only a small notes for myself. But if you, readers, understand my message .. ohhh saya sangat hepi.

Hari Ahad kita mesin rumput. I definitely do not have a Red Carpet for my guests but i do have a green one. The green carpet grass was planted more than 10 years ago before i moved to this area and Alhamdulillah .. masih subur dan 'healthy' sehingga hari ini. This beautiful house was set all according to my needs and spec and I am all excited to build my own banglo to reward myself. Yahhh .. working hard on it now. Kalau ikutkan tulang empat kerat dan tubuh kecil Misz-ella ni, macam tak terlarat mahu memikul segalanya but the moment you think you Can't there the challenge come. Watch Me! I am going to make my dream a reality. In Sha Allah.

Kerana saya percaya akan kewajipan menjalin ukhuwah sesama insan, maka silaturrahim itu tetap saya teruskan. Visited my TP family on Monday. So happy i managed to spend my time with them .. bayangkan .. dalam kereta dah senyum sorang-sorang .. dah terbayang akan kemeriahan bila bersua mereka semua. Alhamdulillah .. I will keep on loving them through my entire life .. selagi hayat dikandung badan. In Sha Allah.

And thanks Syimah for dropping by to my house. We talked, we ate, we laughed .. we really spent quality time together. All the best to you Syimah. My pray and love are always with you .. call me if you need me .. Kak Ella sentiasa ada untuk Syimah dan lain-lain ye. I kan everyones angel. Hahaha.

So there goes my January 4th 2016 - keluar bekerja dan meluangkan masa bersama kesayangan. Life is always great as long as we know how to managed, kan. Live life to the fullest. Give the best that you can. I am happy i make people smile .. cos Ella is always Fun .. doesn't matter what her emotion is. Senyum selalu deh. Kerana sesungguhnya senyuman itulah amal jariah dan sedekah paling mudah yang boleh kita berikan dan senaman paling indah untuk sentiasa awet muda. Tapi ingat, senyum lah dengan seikhlas nya kerana yang menerima boleh rasa. Ok Bye. Misz-ella nak pergi buat kerja lain pulak. Tq baca. U take care, readers.