Hai All. Happy New Year.
Selamat datang 2016. Good Bye 2015. 2015 is definitely incredible. I really had a wonderful time. Kalau boleh tak nak say Good Bye to 2015 tapi masa tak tunggu kita. So Good Bye 2015.
OK lets talk about my favourite fruit ~ Yuhuuuu .. Its Kiwi. To be exact Green Kiwi from Zespri. Yahhh .. Zespri is my favorite brand for Kiwi.
I was invited to attend an Event with Zespri Kiwi recently and off course, as a Kiwi lover i didn't say No. So lets check what did I do during the event.
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Zest Up your Digestive System with Zespri Green Kiwi & Yoga
We had a session with Indra Balaratnam, a dietitian.
This is Soda Drink with Kiwi. So refreshing!
Yeahh .. that's my favourite Zespri Green Kiwi
We were served with a special Dipping made from Kiwi, Avocado, Lime, Tomato, Onion and dash of salt.
Kiwi bersifat Anti-oksidan dan kaya dengan Vitamin C. Kiwi juga tinggi dengan serat yang membantu penghadaman dan mengandungi 'actinidin, enzim unik yang sangat 'friendly tummy'. Kiwi juga mengandungi 'magnesium' yang berfungsi merubah makanan menjadi sumber tenaga membuatkan kita tidak mudah letih dan bertenaga sepanjang hari walau hanya berbekalkan 2 biji Kiwi sahaja *like me*. Kiwi juga mengandungi 4 kali lebih Vitamin E berbanding buah oren dan juga mengandungi potassium yang sangat tinggi.
Other then that, I love Kiwi because it make my life easy. Easy to get, easy to eat, easy to digest .. everything easy and off course because it is very healthy. As you all know, Misz-ella memang 'support healthy lifestyle' dari dulu.
And Yesss .. I also practised Yoga during the 2nd half of our Studio exercise routine tapi kan .. alahai till today my badan is still keras. Seriously keras macam kayu. Hehehe. Well, that means I have to practice more, right.
This is Child's Pose .. one of our favourite stretching that we always did to relax and release our tired and tense muscle.
The benefits of Child's pose :-
Releases tension in the back, shoulders and chest
Recommended if you have dizziness and fatigue
Helps alleviate stress and anxiety
Lengthens and stretches the spine
It gently stretches the hips, thighs and ankles
On top of that, Child's pose also help to creates heat in the abdominal area to keep digestive juices flowing. It stimulates the stomach and lower bowel, which help to pass food through the stomach.
Yes .. eating Kiwi and ending my exercise routine with Child's pose are two things that are part of my healthy lifestyle. A good digestive system is very important for our health. A good digestive system means a colon free from toxin and the result ~ pretty nice skin, no bad body odour even when we are sweating .. who do not want it, right?
So kawan-kawan ..lets eat Kiwi and add Child's pose in our exercise routine. With all nutrition that Kiwi has and how Child's pose contribute to our digestive system, it will help us to have a perfect life.
Makan Kiwi dan buat Child's pose ~ easy .. tak susah, kan. OK .. I'm done my sharing session with you. Bye readers. Tq baca.
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I'm Misz Ella. I am a Lifestyle Blogger. I share my thought about the Beauty products that I used, my travelogue, the food that I enjoyed and my healthy living routine. Email me at kakchik_ella@yahoo.com if you have any enquiries
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