Hello peminat-peminat ayam KFC .. Ini adalah berita baik buat awak, awak dan awak semua. KFC Ayam Kicap Meletup which was launched June last year is NOW back by popular demand. Peminat-peminat Ayam Kicap Meletup kini boleh mendapatkan hidangan tersebut di semua cawangan Kentuck Fried Chicken seluruh Malaysia bermula dari 14hb Januari 2016 (while stock last).
KFC Ayam Kicap Meletup features KFC's signature chicken fried to perfection, together with the flavours of imported unique Shoyu Soy Sauce, Seaweed, Chilli Flakes, Sesame Seed and delectable spices. The outcome is deliciously aromatic fusion of sweet, savoury and spicy flavours in every bite and let me add this ~ Its Yummy too!!
Ling Mee Jiuan, Senior Vice President of KFC Malaysia, Angelina Villanueva, Senior General Manager of KFC Marketing and KFC staff during the launching.
With the tagline “Chinese New Year is more “meletup” when we celebrate together”, the comeback of this delicious product symbolizes the bringing together of all Malaysians to share the celebration as well as the unique flavour of the Ayam Kicap Meletup.
With only RM11.95*, we can now enjoy a Combo Meal consisting of two (2) pieces of Ayam Kicap Meletup fried chicken, Seaweed rice OR Crispier Fries, Coleslaw and a refreshing 7 Up Lemon Mint Drink.
Thinking of what to serve or share during this Chinese New Year? Well, this Bucket Set at the price of RM46.90 consisting of nine (9) pieces of Ayam Kicap Meletup Fried Chicken, A large Whipped Potato, One Large Crispier Fries and 1.5 litre Mirinda Orange could be the best meal for your guest or enjoy it with your family and friends.
KFC Ayam Kicap Meletup is also available for a Bucket of five (5) pieces at the price of RM27.90**.
*photo credit to Anastasia's FB*
Our happy moment with KFC Ayam Kicap Meletup. We enjoyed the taste so much. What about you, readers ? So wait no more ya .. lets make your way to the nearest KFC and do not miss the opportunity to enjoy it today. Its While Stock Last, remember? So cepat-cepat sebelum terlambat. Quickly plan your 'makan-makan' here. Confirm sedap and meletup lah!
* 2 pcs Combo Ayam Kicap Meletup price RM11.95 is available during Lunch & Dinner Treats (12pm-3pm & 6pm-9pm)
** All selling price and combo availability may vary by location.
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