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Jom Gaya Hidup Sihat ~ Makan dan Exercise

Another chapter of my exercise diary .. hidup Misz-ella camni la .. kalau tak kerja, exercise. Kalau tak kat Event kat Gym. Tu je la tempat...

Kepala kita tak sama ...

So sad. So sad to realise that kepala kita tak sama. The moment i talked to you .. i know you disagree with me. No need to say yes or no. Your reaction answered.

But maybe he's rite. aku pun tak semestinya betul. bincang dan bincang lagi lah. Hehe ..Enjoy your new week korang. Selamat bekerja. Ada mood ke nak keja tu? Aku ? Virus M ada lagi ni .. but wat to do .. paperwork dh menunggu sentuhanku .. Hehe ..


Gayahspears said...

akak.. jgn sedey2 ya...
be cool n be strong!!!

Misz-ella said...

Gayah ..

tak sedey la. Cuba baca balik n3 tu. Ada Hehehe .. dan Hahaha .. kan? biasa la dlm prbincangan msti ada menda2 camni ... Akak take it easy je dik. Hehe ..

Gayahspears said...

tau..hahaha.. kerja kuat ya..keh2

Misz-ella said...

Diana .. selamat duduk rmh.

Misz-ella said...

Gayah ..

kena kuat kan diri dulu .. baru la bole keja kuat2 .. hehe ..