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Jom Gaya Hidup Sihat ~ Makan dan Exercise

Another chapter of my exercise diary .. hidup Misz-ella camni la .. kalau tak kerja, exercise. Kalau tak kat Event kat Gym. Tu je la tempat...

Bagi aku itu "KUNCI"

As i told earlier, i'm not interested to participate or involve with you anymore. Sudah tutup pintu hati dengan mangga yg paling kuat dan kuncinya sampai sekarang aku tak jumpa.

Unless tomorrow .. if i find the key, then my heart is open for you. Ataupun, apa kata kau Bagi aku itu "KUNCI" perhaps i can open my heart for you. Hehe ..

Buat masa sekarang .. No way, Fren. Titik.

p/s :- Buat fren-fren yg lain .. Love u lah. muah .. hehe ..


My Little Diary said...

kau kunci cintaku didlm hatimu... keh3x...
minum ptg dah nak dekat.... jom pekena coffee... ;p

Anonymous said...

adoh... kunci2 lagi... hehhe... ku kunci rindu buatmu dr eizla khas wat kakchik... heheheh....

Gayahspears said...

kes ape ni akak??? berebut kunci ka??? hahaha

Elin said...

Ade map tak na cari kunci tue? ^^

aibaks said...

walaupun tak paham kenapa terkuncinyer pintu tuh.. takpe... aibaks leh bagi kunci extra.. hehe

eliyaezlinalias said...

reply to p/s: lebiutuu kak chik...

Misz-ella said...

Kahkahkah .. lawak arr korang. Sayang semua. Muah .. Eh .. Aibaks tak blh. Muah tu utk pompuan shj. hehe ..

bspotgurl said...

cuba gi carik balik kunci tu

azzey said...

kakchik@ella: kita tetap kawan ye kak!hi3....