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Jom Gaya Hidup Sihat ~ Makan dan Exercise

Another chapter of my exercise diary .. hidup Misz-ella camni la .. kalau tak kerja, exercise. Kalau tak kat Event kat Gym. Tu je la tempat...

Selamat Pagi Malaysia. Eh .. hai Malaysia ..

Selamat Pagi Malaysia!! Ehmmmm ... Bestnya hari ni. Rasa sungguh segar bila bangun pagi di tempat sendiri setelah 6Hari/5Malam di tempat orang. Heavennnn lah sgt. Entry ni patut keluar pagi ni sebab ditaip dirumah sambil bersantaian di atas katil tapi di sebabkan line sangat lembab seperti sedang menyedut siput sedut, petang ni la baru siapnya.

OK .. Ok ... habis sudah libur. Back to the reality world sekarang. I should be at the office by now but since i wasn't feeling good .. jom kita sambung tidur lagi ~ Thats what happened to me at 6:30 am this morning.

I always love  filling up 'Survey Form' ~ 
Mahu sejujurnya atau hipo?? Tepuk dada tanya selera. Hihi ..

Dlm flight, duduk sebelah my bestfriend Yanti@Pinky. We have to share the row with an Indonesian guy. Good looking, not bad .. sampai flight touch down tak tau nama dia. Hahaha .. Yanti must have forgotten how to be a 'penggoda'. The sign of 'tua'dah keluar ye Yanti?? Hihi .....

Hanis yg menawan dan ibunya Kakak cantek. Sapa cakap Hanis tak cantek? I can confirm that she's really cantek dan menarek oke. Even my 15 years old Bodyguard can confirm that. Tengok la mak dia beb. Ooppsss ... lupa nak cakap, Return flight to KL kitorang sama ..

Specially for peminat-peminat Keknis yg selalu cakap 'KC, kem salam kat Keknis eh. Salam lupa dikirim cos too much stories to exchange. Sori ...

Our last makan-makan at Jakarta Bandara. Seriously, this trip is fun!! Full of gelaks .. gelaks and gelaks .. pakej dgn airmata gembira oke. Apa benda yg seronok sangat tu??? Uuuuuuu .. rahsia. For five of us only. Hihi.


Lydia Miza said...

mesti seronok kan?

Shiela Firdaus said...

huhuhu..windunya ngn KC .

Sheherazade said...


munna said...

selamat kembali kc...mesti seronok kan berholidays

kak ina kl said...

wah bestnya ibu-ibu liburan ke sana..nanti nak joinlah lain kali..bisa ngak..mesti banyak berbelanja di sana kan ibu ella

kos duk apartment tu mahal tak?

Unknown said...

akak! best jalan2 ek. :)

sarah-najwan said...

bestnya dpt holiday dgn geng gtu..mmg heaven sgt2 kan..

Ibu Darwisy said...

selamat pulang ke tanah air kak chik..

kakrose said...

selamat pulang ketanah air kakchik

My Little Diary said...

best kan dpt berjalan2 ni..hehe

selamat bekerja, semoga sehat selalu.. :)

cik panadol said...

seronok la KC dapat jumpe keknis ni...